Stefano Gonçalves Jorge

Holy f**** AWESOME casting !

"It" was not bad, but with the exception of the excelent Tim Curry as Pennywise, the cast was awful. Also, it was a tv minisseries, and one of the masterpieces of horror deserves a definitive movie.

Beauty and the Beast.

I gave it a try because... damn, the show has Kristin Kreuk, and she is cute.

And then I realized it was a really stupid show.

But over time... no, sorry, it only only gets worse.

It goes from hate-watching to "how the hell they can make it even worse ?" watching.

I would say that being an economy blogger instead of having a "real" job as an economist is a symptom of Economy problems. Or it may be the cause of it. Anyway, I am not an economist, and could only give such frivollous affirmation if I was, I don´t know... an economy blogger ?

Getting back to coal mining.

First, I am going to be honest and disclosure I didn´t read anything about Aquaman since de 80´s. That being said, I agree with you. He pretty much rules 2/3 of the world, and since all heroes are being rebooted, he could control tha water (even making tsunamis) and be as strong under water as Superman is above it.

Is this a pseudoscience site now ?

My question is: does the religious background make someone more susceptible to pseudosciences like homeopathy and astroloogy ?

"The Man with the Iron Fists" (2012). At the end, I couldn´t decide if I loved it or hated it. I still can´t.

"At the same time, to me the most important aspect of John Constantine is not who he fucks, but who he fucks over." Perfect. I read a lot of Hellblazer when I was younger, and I can´t remember anything about Constantine´s sexuality. Maybe it was there somewhere, but it didn´t matter.

It is getting slowly better, and could become great. But Wheaton still give that "I´m making a presentation in middle school class" impression.

Someone listened !

Annnnd, right when you thought nothing could make Beauty and The Beast worse: flashback wig !

Great call from HBO. I would rather wait a few more years than have a great opportunity of adapting this book wasted. By the way, it wouldn´t work only with a good script and a couple of stars in it. To make it interesting, you would have to create an weird atmosphere, in a way that the world seems normal, but inside

We DID have Warehouse 13... :(

I don´t know about episodes, but the prison group of the Anger Management deserve their own spin off.

The whole notion that asgardians are just scientifically superior and not magic (third law of Clarke) pushed away the decision to work with magic in the Marvel Universe, but it was inevitable. Some characters are magic, and some we already know use magic (like Loki). Of course, there is a high risk of this looking

I did watch It alone. Pennywise freaked me out.

Thank you, Captain !

Dawkins also stated in The God Delusion that being an agnostic means that the person believes there is a 50/50 chance of existence or not of a god. He distorted the meaning of Agnosticism to push agnostics into the atheists rankings. As much as I agree with the "getting people out of their closets" strategy, it was an