
Report: Eli Manning has also injured himself in a sparkler accident.

“attempting to conceal himself and a black firearm in a nearby plant.”

1- I’m just imagining him holding a small plant pot in front of his face, and thinking to himself ‘This is fucking brilliant’ /self high-five.

Someone should have warned him the British were coming.

NBCSN reports that some meddling kids and their dog will hold a press conference at 8pm PDT

I haven’t seen an organization distance themselves this much from a Mike Richards since the Laugh Factory.

I’ve had a few incidents On The Border, but luckily I’ve been able to make it home and to the bathroom in time.

It was probably a bit of an overreaction but I would love to see you stand there with your back to a world class soccer player while they ripped one right into you from 10 feet. You would still be in the hospital right now.

Retroactive yellow cards for simulation need to be a thing, like, yesterday.

Look, kicking a ball at someone after the play is shitty. No argument here.

That wasn’t as much a theory as it was a list of faceless men observations. Here’s a theory - faceless men work for the Night King, aka the God of Death. Every time they kill someone the Night King gets to bring someone back to life, which is why the Arya must atone for “stealing” a life by being blinded: she stole a

Or you could just show a replay of all the Le Mans coverage that Fox Sports missed and we could stay behind and watch it.

This this this this this.

We have to go further back. This is the Jeff Gordon livery forever burned into my mind, and time has only made it better.

There's a difference between acknowledging it, and and making it sound forced. NASCAR is the fucking worst.

Yeah screw giving acknowledgement to the companies that are helping to make the race team even possible.

No, he's used to driving cars with more sophisticated technology than your grandmother's '78 Caprice. F1 is the pinnacle of motorsport, NASCAR is exactly at the other opposite end.

Oh I caught the Ali G reference I just took the quote out of context so someone would reply. Just like a professional news channel.......

I wonder how many people in the world didn't catch the Ali G reference.