
Lol they’re great but there in my way i hate them. Wooooo boy it’s going down

Can Lebron James possibly be any bigger of a pussy? Acting like he didn’t have anything to do with Blatt being fired, and they just promote the assistant haha. I guess Lebron just needed to some one to be responsible for getting their aas kicked by golden state who will be playing them in the finals. It’s not lebrons

Don’t cover the world’s most popular sport on a web page that’s accessible to everyone in the world, and instead cover the 4th most popular sport in America? Nice suggestion jag off.

Hmm how do you acquire more players to help fill in for the ones that are injured hmmm

Looks like his girl friend admitted to swinging at him first and he pulled her hair, granted it was before all the recent events but seems pretty tame compared to knocking your woman out cold beating your kid until you draw blood. Even though any domestic violence is bad it was the first and last example I’ve heard of

Bernie Sanders proclaims we should take on a health care system 98 percent of the modern world already has and works successfully. American who’s satisfied with less for more whos world ends at the border of their backwater shit hole town thinks it’s all fairy tales. We have literally hundreds of examples to cherry

I bought a new fuel pump for 120 dollars put in myself through the back cargo area in 2 hours dicking around. Way better than paying some grease monkey 500 bucks

Better description than hover board lol

Wow dude shut up, he has a problem with spontaneously shitting on his athletic career.

It was bush league ; ) for sure but he didn’t swing on him or anything he stuck his leg out. 4 games is good


We better make sure theres enough towels for the boys go go go lmao. I think there hustling to see who gets the better seat next to the showers. That is emasculating

They couldn’t have left 30 second earlier and avoided looking like the biggest douche bags in the arena. Sprinting around like a corn ball to serve actual men that matter is not a good look for a dude.


Ahh yess that’s so satisfying all those seahawk jerseys you won’t see until at least next preseason that is if half of them make it out of the closet next year lmao. Oh and screw russell Wilson’s dumb air head jesus freak ass

Still some deluded bettors out there, hey the cavs are healthy right now lmao

Dude isn’t the same off he roids, he’ll freshen up before the finals.

Lol i haven’t watched in a long long time, everybody’s hating the guy they’re pushing to be the next big thing lmao if the big wigs had any smarts they’d let the fan favorite beat the guy after pissing everybody off for awhile lol

Act like you’ve been here before shit head

That’s funny i thought he was supposed to be taking the title of best qb in the league lmao