
Idk they’ve always looked like whales on wheels with shitty lines

This dude has no clue what he’s talking talking about there’s tons of algorithms that do just that. Nueral networks, fuzzy logic tables all your doing is getting values from sensors and learning the appropriate reaction from a set of conditions.

Yeah seriously they’re not high school kids, put the people in that are going to produce of they’re not going to try or can’t keep sober to where they suck on the field cut them.

Laced with pcp?

Yeah i would have actually like to see a little technical details about leds in here. Talking about load equalizers haha your talking about resistors? Hit me up in an electrical engineer. You could have thrown some details about diodes in here. Led brightness is dependent on current and they have a near constant

That engine is a joke though 300 hp and they used two turbo chargers and a super charger? Id love to see the repair bill when all that forced induction goes to shit at 100k plus , 8000 repair bill. On a 5000 pound car and 20 mpg they could have gotten that from a 6 with cylinder de activation

This is way cooler than a stock wrx, my 06 forester xt was one of the best cars I’ve ever owned from a fun stand point but I’m scared Subaru is turning into Toyota with awd. If it wasn’t for the wrx and sti they’d already be there and they’re already creeping into that area by putting a cvt in the wrx. Terrible


Idk if that’s true or there’s other tracks, my step brother was in the Marines and flies them. Also haven’t i read stories of the military hiring civilians to fly these things. Drones can be awesome he found a lost group of troops that were wandering in Afghanistan. Saved 30 40 guys lives during a search and rescue

And extremely paranoid?

As a former addict yes that person does bear some responsibility for getting themselves there but your addiction can become so strong it’s like telling yourself not to eat, starve yourself, no fucking that pussy in front of you and in some cases telling yourself not to breathe. There’s a responsibility there but

There could be science and statistics behind it but your gm is so shitty that he completely destroys that possibility

Seriously these are the same assholes that think it necessary to bean some one on baseball for celebrating it’s sports you sucked her over it. Want people to take your feelings into account. As long as it’s clean it’s all good

How would you know there is literally some psychotic asshole shooting multiple people weekly or even more often. You might think that gun ownership in America is still reasonable. You know having people slaughtered in the streets, including criminals (they steal them or buy then from legit owners) just in case dan,


Yeah seriously dudes skull must be dense and or it was a glancing shot either way holy sh!t

No but i bet they were children of Muslim immigranrs just like the ones in France just like the ones in boston, Israel, new york, and a hundred other places muslims blow themselves up at. And maybe if i could walk down the street in one of these Muslim hell holes as an American with out being beaten to death id feel

How else are you going to get rich team owners into brain washing the next group of lower class citizens into killing colored foreigners under the guise of heroism haha. Like they give a fuck enough to spend their own money.