everyone in my family can burp whenever they want, except me.... felt left out, but also there are times when I do need to burp but can’t.... so annoying
everyone in my family can burp whenever they want, except me.... felt left out, but also there are times when I do need to burp but can’t.... so annoying
I can’t make myself burp and sometimes I wish i could
it’s catch-22
yeah but mass shootings is probably the easiest one to solve out of all those. I mean, IT ONLY HAPPENS IN THE USA while other problems exist everywhere.
the server will go to the manager. or just ask the manager directly.
A park bench is not “semi private”.
if a mass shooting starts, the first thing you’re gonna do is take your phone out and facetime?
his screen is showing him what’s in front of him. Not much difference whether he’s looking at his phone or not.
you should hang around with different people maybe.
maybe women are used to putting cream on their body, whereas men tend not to. i just hate having cream or oil or anything like that on my body.
the game is cheap, and it’s been good for a while. Buy it, scum
I’d rather see people having sex everywhere than jesus’ face everywhere
what kind of store in 2019 doesn’t sell free range eggs too? But whatever, you are so much better than the rest of us.
this is the only correct answer IMO
just drop a tiny bit of water in the pan, cover, and wait a bit. The whites will be fully cooked, the yolk will be runny (the way it should be), and no flipping involved.
Why wouldn’t you check if a company exists or not? All legit companies have to be registered, right? Even if they don’t have their own website, you can still look them up (equivalent of Companies House in the UK). Would have taken like 30 seconds to check this....
a company has to be registered to be legit. I’m in the UK, and it takes 5 seconds to check if a company exists or not. They don’t need to have a webpage, but they have to be registered somewhere for tax purposes etc. I know this because I set up my own Ltd company. I can go on Companies House website, enter the name,…
yeah I was really expecting a “He lied about it” right after that sentence.
“avoid souvenir shops”
“it blows my mind how much trouble Coinstar has had communicating this fact”