
drivers who don’t signal their turns really piss me off. As a pedestrian and cyclist it’s one of the first thingsa I look at to see if a car is going to turn into the street I’m going to cross or not. 90% of the time they don’t fucking signal so every time I have to wait for the car to actually pass before I even have

“When almost all they offer are race cars or extreme sports cars”

How about you let your kid decide for him/herself instead of brainwashing? FFS people

On long flights, I usually just go to the back and chat with the crew. They are bored and they actually enjoy talking to people (instead of being asked for stuff or listening to complaints), and you can also get free food/drinks out of it if you’re nice to them.

“As an Android user with an unlimited data plan, if you would’ve asked me if Apple gave you the option to download over data after the warning I would’ve said “they most certainly would.”

why is that Apple’s job?

I work in IT so have to deal with people stealing shit all the time....

By that definition, I’ve been in burn-out for the last 20 years.

people in the middle ages might think the same thing. Why would we want to go to a place where you have no tech, diseases everywhere, and shit in the streets? but you can bet your ass it will be a very popular destination.

what’s next, Santa Claus isn’t real?

“When you use a word like literally, you’re almost always going to be wrong.”

this doesn’t make any sense whatsoever....

Guy sounds like a right cunt

it’s a fucking nightmare. Walking around in Osaka, you might as well be in China or Korea. I can’t go into some of the shops I used to anymore, because it’s just packed with chinese tourists buying up everything in sight. Some shops don’t even have Japanese speaking staff anymore! What the fuck!
I ask a question in

oh no, how will they cope!

I don’t think it’s the same thing. The instant ramen probably says it’s roast beef FLAVOURED. The burger said it IS roast beef. 

technically by definition if I wake up, don’t eat all day, and have a steak at 8pm that is breakfast, since that’s what’s breaking my fast. It doesn’t matter WHAT you eat, it matters WHEN you eat. Like, if you have leftover pizza at 7am that’s not dinner, that’s breakfast.

technically, the first meal of the day is “breakfast” since, well, you’re “breaking your fast”

you should skip dinner instead... You don’t need any of that energy just to sleep. breakfast will charge you for the day, lunch will top you up.