@A7: rumours are samsung are going to use their orion processor which is a dual core, that's supposedly why android and the nexus s was delayed, new hardware and new software support for multiple cores
@A7: rumours are samsung are going to use their orion processor which is a dual core, that's supposedly why android and the nexus s was delayed, new hardware and new software support for multiple cores
@Ace: that's the rumour I've heard, and the supposed reason for a delay in announcement, optimising android for a dual core processor
@Yinzers Are People Too: and a option to play it ALL DAY EVERY DAY!
I hope they unify the url bar and the search bar too
@Quantum: version 8 hit the developer builds the other week, it's not even the latest build :p
@Neondo: I've constructed a flow chart for you to reference when considering the motivation of '/b'
Did I just walk into a alternate universe where chrome is rubbish software and thousands of people aren't killed or injured in accidents each year?
@willyheps: chrome treats user scripts like extensions, so chrome does have support for some greasemonkey scripts (some are browser specific) and I think there's a grease monkey extension anyway
Is there a way to filter out posts by particular authors?
@Paradise: Yeah you could use a good browser, Yeah I said it
@muppethead: You don't want to see their new beta msn client, they've added that font to your entire facebook stream the main client window is now a full screen application of that font :|
@jerrodbug: have you tried display fusion?
@Harpsichord: probably not, but I could tell you what would, a original xbox running xbmc, would be much cheaper, skinnable, full codec support, 720p support for online services like tvcatchup youtube etc with mobile remote apps for all popular platforms
@egoods: mod a original xbox with xbmc
It's about time we started seeing a real convergence of TVs and Monitors since they're very similar, I know personally I have a CRT and a monitor, I'd like the one device really
quick settings does this in a handy menu with a lot of other settings I keep it in my dock, opens a menu to access them but keeps my 'desktop' clean
@Prostate of Grace: I disagree, this topic's most important element is the god damn MOON
probably could solve it by having voice commands for your phone and functionality for having the text read back to you
@singularity0821: no reason why you couldn't run both, I know there's a lot of firefox users who still cling to firefox, I did too.