
Vote: Expression Web 4

Was going to buy a HTC wildfire, but with this news I've just ordered the nexus one.

@DrowningInMercy: I personally use: Adsweep, Auto copy, autopagerize for chrome, better gmail, chrome access, facebook photo zoom, faster chrome, gmail facebook intergration, google dictionary, google mail checker, like without like, rubberstumble, speed dial and xmarks bookmarks sync

@NotSoSiniSter: I think Steve Jobs is a big dirty tramp, he's been wearing those same clothes for years.

Oh come on, who writes "Microsoft confidential" on the bottom of their planning documents, that's what a Five year old might do "These are my top secret fbi plans LOL" written at the bottom.

Apple won't support it, Steve's ego is too big to admit anything but his solution is right, read that article and the Theora patents article off of it, and you notice he eludes to suing Theora and webM (he's suing HTC for the second time over patents too)

@Kaelri: or Google could buy up a better codec than H.264 and open source it, and it could be shipping in firefox chrome and IE....

So glad they added wallpapers, tried a old hexxeh build that didn't have wallpapers felt claustrophobic, viva la first real cloud operating system.

I don't understand why they don't just turn off the oil supply, or freeze the leak with liquid nitrogen, while repairs are carried out

I'm not going to link to warez here but snow leopard runs under vmware no problem with windows as a host

personally I use chrome's copy on selection extension "Auto copy" and jdownloader which detects links in the clipboard when downloading links

@LegacyCrono: defragging does not free up space it rearranges files so that the most used files are closer to hand on a traditional hard drive

Is there anything for 64bit windows 7?

@Ryeneker: I know what you mean by chrome not blocking ads at page load, it's something they are planning to fix (allow extensions to prevent elements from loading) chrome extensions have a lot of functionality limited at the moment (right click menus, content blocking and a lot more, with time we'll see this open up

jdownloader's web interface can be used for adding links to your queue remotely, I find it helpful when in bed, using my ipod touch I can select the links I want have them download and extract to a folder where I can watch them on xbmc on my TV

Is there anyway I can create links which will only move files according to file type? for example I have a download folder which I manually sort and assign files to various folders on my computer, it would be nice to have all music move to a folder all video to another for xbmc etc

@hicks: yeah only once I switched and went back to firefox on a friends computer did I notice how rubbish firefox is, while I was there it crashed once for him and asked us both to update twice