Han Solo Stole My Nerf Herd

It’s about revenge. Earth killed his parents, obviously.

Not sure why this commenter had to display his utter idiocy in public.

Because insurance in America isn’t about covering customers for their claims. It’s about playing a legal pyramid scheme in which you try to make more than you pay out.

And who are those two explorers? You guessed it: Frankenstein and his monster.

Everyone who I know liked it just fine. I don’t think it deserved the piling on of criticism that it got from the online commentariat.

Was it perfect? God, no. Did I like it and want to see more of it? Yes. This is a bummer, man. 

But not RNA. The vaccines are still safe. Shut your conspiracy hole.

The Singularity is nigh!

So this is why Bill Gates wants us all to get vaccinated! To turn all of our DNA into One Drive storage then charge us for using our own bodies!

wooo WOOO WEEE woooooooo!

I LOL’d.

What Could Be Cooler Than Typing on a Keyboard Salvaged From a Nuclear Missile Silo?

Now playing

I think we all know the real solution. Musk is on it!

Pfft..  No way, We send Bruce Willis to stop it if that even looks like a remote possibility.  

Look, as a rational person I understand that modern nuclear reactors are extraordinarily safe, with layers and layers of safeties to prevent any sort of catastrophic failure.

Are you sure this isn’t National Treasure 3?

It’d need a good name, though.

Boy, it’d sure be something if the people wanting unions and protections riled up all the writers and artists and went and formed their own new comic company as a big ‘fuck you’ to this one.

My take, as well. And I don’t think it was the poor French-English translation, either. Character motivations are puzzling, some emotional threads end abruptly, overall it’s not very readable.

I bought it for Moebius only.