Han Solo Stole My Nerf Herd

That Mega Man at the top is goddamn terrifying. He looks like he eats people for fuel and steals blood from newborns to act as his internal coolant. 

I totally agree. It would be great if the title was an indicator of the type of show they’re going for.

Dear people making this show,

If he happens to have a script or screenplay or project stored somewhere, and it is found posthumously, you just might get your wish in a way. I wouldn’t put it past Japanese people to drive the the project “like Miyazaki san would have” if such a thing happened, effectively bringing his workstyle back from the dead.

A potential idea was floated, but the big comic shops in the larger urban areas who have lots of foot traffic and big Diamond discounts, pitched a fit and scared the smaller publishers off before talks even started. DC’s new alternative distribution model could grow into competition for Diamond, but the companies

I hear you can buy a Fast Pass for that. Maybe YouTube will text you or something when it’s your turn to watch :)

They’re so much better. I can’t find many articles that talk about the Syfy's adaptation. They all go off of Lynch's and that's just redonkulus. 

OK,Boomer! Mutants

The Untimely Mutants

More like the Old Mutants, am I right?

Came to see if this was an empty list.

Just about all of the B-plot next generation episodes are hilarious if you remove all the bridge/conference/ready room scenes and only show what happens in corridors, Ten Forward and other public areas.

Is that Counselor Troi? I just saw her last week, how the hell did she get so pregnant? All holodeck access has been

Julie Cox is so good as Princess Irulan.

I was wondering that as I read the article.

I’ve tried multiple times, but could never get passed the first couple episodes. Idk if it’s the acting our just the overall vibe, but I never could get into it. I know I didn’t like that Paul Atriedes at all.

Having had read the novels I found the lynch Dune film to be an abomination. The SyFy series was far superior and a better metric for comparison though by no means perfect.  What nice about the SyFy series is that they didn’t even try to waste their resources on making it appear realistic.  They approached the

There can be only several!

Thanks for clarifying this, I was about to rabbit hole the comic because it sounded interesting, but this type of lazy and boring “reincarnation” that has been done to death, is absolutely not interesting to me.

I’m with you there 100%.  Hell, even the opening theme song wears you down into liking it, at least until the later seasons when they change it up a little and made it worse.