Catholic Schools are substandard. Too many hours in Religion classes.
Catholic Schools are substandard. Too many hours in Religion classes.
Fraid it does.
Artworks Dewa in Japan makes these awesome aftermarket gauges for the Miata. Simply beautiful. (at least to me) I really like the blue star ones.
The correct answer is Chrysler 300m. I saw this at 12 and thought it was the classiest thing in history.
I always had a spot in my heart for this setup.
The Land Shark is considered the cleverest of all sharks. Unlike the Great White shark, which tends to inhabit the waters and harbors of recreational beach areas, the Land Shark may strike at any place, any time. It is capable of disguising its voice, and generally preys on young, single women.
So many pits to fall in...
Shit got real once the feds started chasing you.
This one still gives me nightmares.
I heard from some guy called Alex that it was all part of the Deep State. Apparently, Hillary Clinton has found a way to infiltrate bear circles around the country using Russian backchannels to influence them. Apparently Seth Rich was one of her first people to make contact with the bears and we all know how that…
Here. Cleanse yourself.
I know it’s basic as hell :( but I made it myself! also, I felt powerful wearing this and really, really wanted to kick someone in the nuts, but alas... I did no actual crimefighting. next time. (is this enough to get me ungreyed?? here is my actual (drunk) face!)
Snail mail!
Witch /Hag /Baba Yaga
Strong Bad + Bane = Strong Bane