
That's right. DANGEROUS. They hung that German guy in the forties (Julius Streicher) (sp?) for using hate propaganda. Getting people all whipped up with the hate filled, dehumanizing propaganda. We all know how well that worked out. I'll bet fifty dollars that every murdering cop that's been highlighted so far was a

Princess Shinylocks. The name of my new band, thx.

I miss my old black studies professor. He lived in Africa, South for a while then Nigeria. It was so satisfying to see this nice, well educated (PHD) white chap tell the nice white college kids that EVERYTHING, and I do mean every fucking thing that counts as a marker of HUMAN civilization (monotheism, literacy,

Aaaannnd he's a shitty quarterback!

Stick with it. I just got scarybad news. Something about 'nodules and lesions' on both lungs in an x ray I had recently. I have been a heavy smoker for 33 years, since I was a kid, so this can't be good. And when someone annoying tries to bum one? Giving it to them takes 3 - 8 minutes off their life. So if they're

Amen. Paws is a wonderful organization. I found my beautiful Weezer there, and she lived with me for 8 great years. She also had magnificent resting bitch face.

A star and extra pie for you, the first book was my favorite one.

Happy Thanksgiving, you lice ridden, pox infested excuse for a rusty codpiece. Try not to choke on the fetid stench of your malfunctioning brain cell.

Oh please God yes. #Wholocked

Oww. Yeah.

Mark Harmon. Yes. Harrison Ford? Any place or time between Star Wars and 2001. Also right now for old times sake. Or the hell of it, or whatever. Because, Harrison Ford. Jude Law, yes, if he leaves his hat on. Jackman, sure, but I may need to hit the gym first before trying to tackle all that. Matt Damon makes me go

OK, thanks. That explains the oversight.

Stand by your man.

Yes. 1000 times this. So funny I cried. And peed. But only a little.

Oh yeah.

As my grandma used to say, "Eat your oatmeal, it's good for you"

I love GOT. Gut some joker? OK. Ultra violent? Cool. I'll even go for the death of a beloved character (EXCEPT FOR AYRA, THE PLUCKY ONE I'M GOING TO ADOPT) But the scenes between these two? I just can't . Eeeeesssshhhh. The cruelty there.

Congratulations. You won the internet (old school edition) today!

My dark horse and I beg to differ.