
I was raised in a blue collar household with people who held union jobs. Long story short, I agree with this sentiment completely after experiencing it first hand.

Agreed. The UAW is desperately trying to stay relevant in today's world. Safety, wages, and working conditions in auto plants have never been better. I've been to a few plants in other industries where worker safety definitely needs to be addressed, and a union could really help there. However, if OSHA was doing their

Exactly. The UAW is not needed anymore. They have no concern for the plight of those workers, just money.

What's your take on the UAW's fight to unionize foreign automaker plants? Good? Bad? Will it work? Will it end the UAW?

Will it end the UAW

Yay! She can get blown back five yards like a ragdoll and not die. Gender equality!

Are we supposed to be impressed by this broad? She sucks.

Baby got (half) back

Big whoop. My wife's been carrying my balls for years.

Exactly!! Dont judge the C3 by just the early 80s models folks!! When they came out initially they were quite kick ass! Smog control and cheap plastic parts is what killed the C3 appeal.

"It's like making out with a high school girlfriend and going for second base, only to suddenly realize — she isn't stopping you this time. Why isn't she stopping me? She always stops me." Probably because you are attending your 20yr reunion and she is now divorced and thinks attending is like going to Vegas, what

Revoked !

Mating season.

I'm gonna go ahead and blame this one on the drivers, not necessarily the road.

The auto bailouts taught us an important lesson: Be wary of buying bonds in unionized companies, because if the company goes under while a Democrat is in the White House,creditors will get shoved to the back of the line. After George W. Bush bailed out the automakers, Barack Obama managed their bankruptcy. Obama threw

You're not wrong, but there's more to the story. There's a lot of pressure within to "do the right thing" when it comes to contributions to the union, aka dues. And if you don't play nice, there are repercussions...

This .gif troubles me deeply...

Not sure if you read to the bottom, but it clearly said eventual run for public office. The stolen car and dead hooker will come in another two decades or so.

This should help..

I always imagined Cap would prefer Indian to Harley Davidson. Oh well. At least it's American.