
Yet her selfie crimes go unpunished

Ok so... we can’t have abortions, we can’t miscarry, we have to give birth, adoptees have to jump through hoops, but... our rapist can get us pregnant and then take partial custody?

I’m from Scranton. Whenever I visit, which is not often, I’m reminded why it was once referred to as “the armpit of America”. It’s a backwards, anti-intellectual area full of cranky elderly people who stare out their windows to spy on you.

I notice you use the noun describe one half of your example and a dehumanizing adjective for the other half. Wonder why that is.

For what it's worth, I've politely and straightforwardly rejected guys before just like you've outlined here. . . and I can think of several instances where that polite, straightforward rejection was met with them calling me a "fat ugly bitch" or a "bitch" or other fun threats.

I am a lesbian and I have this problem with guys that are hitting on me. "Nope, sorry dude, I am gay and married." And then it continues, and I hear "you just haven't had the right dick yet." Sigh.

"I don't understand why women just don't TELL men they aren't interested."

*maximize last gif, zoom in, watch for 10 minutes*

Happy Birthday! Here is some nsfw Fassbender, since he’s your b-day twin and all. No other motives, obviously.

“Family-owned business falls victim to culture war.” Funny how that whole “personal responsibility” thing never applies to white Christians.

I didn’t get any of them correct.

OMG one of the reps that voted for this bullshit used the term "Gaystapo" on twitter. I hate my state. I really hate my state.

Other people have already pointed out why her joke his different from his assholery, so I'll just say this: Not-perfect people still don't deserve to be hurt. Even if she was a total asshole, Shaffir's bit was still cruel and not okay. Her behavior is completely separate issue, and does not excuse any harassment or

Jokes about an unnamed man's small dicks =/= rambling on/joking about a named woman for having a "fat smell," belly fold, and one arm.

ha I feel you hard. when I was in school in the Midwest I had to train myself to smile and say hi back when people greeted me at all times. My immediate instinct was always WHAT DO THESE PEOPLE WANT FROM ME.

"The kind of bombing you see on the nightly news…" You mean those bombs that they use on Planned Parenthood locations? The specifically NOT glittery variety?

Man, somebody who claims to be really offended really knows his models.

I run 4x a week. Still fat. I have a resting heart rate in the high 50s and my blood pressure and cholesteral are awesome. I have thyroid disease and even with daily medication it is nearly impossible (not IMPOSSIBLE but would require 800 calories a day) to lose anything. I'm so tired of people equating thiness with

"No one should be ashamed of who they are, at the same time, in order to desire something greater, you have to –at some level – be uncomfortable with where you are at."