Pharoah lips
Pharoah lips
I don't consider Willem Defoe a white man.
When in fact Tesla merely needed money, and our memory of there being hundreds of corpsetanks isn't even in that movie.
they're no rolling stones
LMAO you sick fuck
That's my fucking daughter.
still gross wearing someone's old clothes
Yes whey!
This is gonna be more jarring, tone-wise, than Inseperable.
Have you ever yearned for your father's approval?
None of them were really that good-looking.
That was a lot of thinking about this track.
how is radiohead still popular?
teenagers these days
too much rain stick
Great Christopher Owens album
i read that in a most neurotic voice
my porn name is Jimmy Eats-merl
my porn name is Jimmy Eats-merl
My porn name is Dreaded-Dick Taint-Yum