This post needs more Benghazi
This post needs more Benghazi
lol here we go again with this crap on Gizmodo. Oh look California is going to bake and die in the drought. Oh wait it rained a ton. Oh look early spring, then be 26 degrees on Tuesday..
EXACTLY. I worked in an ink factory and a dog food warehouse before getting my degree. It is WORK. But you know that going in and paid well for no degree. It’s a warehouse, what do you expect? I think it’s funny the first account in the article didn’t really even say what made it so bad. Just that nobody liked it...
I know (of) someone who works at Wal-Mart and is happy too. Fact is, most of the people that do repetitive low paying manual labor jobs with high turnover probably aren’t that happy to begin with.
I really don’t get these Amazon-bashing posts (actually I do: clickbait).
Idk I have a friend that works at the az warehouse and they seem super chill. He pretty much sets his own hours and always gets time off when needed. They pay pretty good too for someone without a degree.
I live in the red part of CA
I’m in the Bay Area— it’s funny driving up 5 when I go to/from SoCal and seeing all the Trump signs. I remember thinking to myself, “Guys, the drought will probably end sometime. Your need for labor will not.” But nobody put me in charge, so all I could do was laugh/cringe at the signs.
And think of the jobs! Now my uncle from Ohio can have his dream job of being a field hand on an Idaho potato farm!
No it is NOT a good idea. If the South keeps grabbing water from No Calif, soon both North & South will be barren. Southern CA is SEMI ARID, a desert. Northern CA is forests and rivers and lakes. If Southern CA had any real gumption, they’d sponsor real research into desalinization. If the North had gumption they’d…
Hard for greedy dullards to imagine an almost empty lake overflowing! Even harder for conservative rich people to give a damn about people living below the dam.
Hey dude, we wouldn’t want to recharge an aquifer or somethin’...
Though climate change is real, this isn’t necessarily about that. California has had enormous floods (sufficient to turn the Central Valley into a lake) half a dozen times in the last 2000 years, most recently 1862. Atmospheric rivers like that happen...last time, the governor had to paddle to his inauguration.
as a lawyer who is usually on the defense side of employment discrimination suits, and who also thinks that sometimes people are just assholes and it’s not about gender/race/whatever: GIRL SUE THEM.
Same. What’s even crazier is this statement coming from an immigration officer. Literally everyone they deal with wasn’t born here. I have been coming back and forth between this country and my country of origin my entire life and this is the first time I am worried about international trips I have to make this year.
Did you miss the part were people are being stopped and asked for papers? If I’m stopped while driving then I’m obligated to provide a license. I’m not require to provide identification just because I’m in a car or walking by. One of our strengths is that we can move freely around the country and are forced to show…
The undocumented immigrants I knew never had to worry about anything.
Because our country was built on an ancient Indian burial ground and it’s finally coming back to haunt us.
I live in USA but I am not a citizen so I can not vote but I can say people voted for him because of fear, fear of the jobs they are losing, fear of immigrants, fear of non christian religions, fear of changing and because, not all of course, think that you have to work in order to earn basic stuff, like health and if…