
Exactly. Exactly.

I own the regular 250l and it’s a great bike. Gets me up to 70 mph, no big deal. Gets me through the brush and mud. Gets me to my hunting spot. All I do is sling my shotgun grab my jacket and gloves and I’m off to wherever. I’m 6'3" and a solid 275. Enough Pepe for what I need and I don’t need to haul my truck along.

The author probably dreams of owning his own storage unit after taking a remedial trip and not preparing for the return.

Too deep. He’s just a cheap fuck who spent his money on a hiking trip with no real plan for his return.

It is illegal. Good riddance.

Spanking your kid is not child abuse. It’s discipline.


That was dumb.

Magnum dong

This list is the equivalent of trump. Everyone knows Charlie got molested is top five. That episode if fucking hilarious. When the intervention is happening and the uncle is clearly a pedo is hilarious.

Beef. It’s what’s for dinner.

Not a purchase but when I stalked and harvested my first wild pig. At the ripe age of 13 I had adulted more than most of these pathetic comments.

Whoa dude. You gots some image issues.

6'3" here. Totally Mexican. What’s up girl?