Son of Sex Pwnther

The thing is we were the largest centralized economy in the world from the 1950s through the early 1980s. Based mostly on exports of both raw material and tangible goods. There was no war because there was nobody who could challenge us. We tore ourselves apart from the inside. In the mid 1980s when corporatism took

Regarding your comment on wage stagnation, it doesn’t explain why others have not suffered the same stagnation. Maybe if executive earnings hadn’t ballooned so greatly and companies weren’t tossing all of their earnings into billions in stock buybacks the lower ranks could get some more earnings themselves.

YEAH! It’s the fault of them there Immigrants! I thought competition was a good thing. If Americans are too lazy or feckless or stupid to do the jobs that are available, correctly. Then they should move out of the way for people who are actually motivated. Whether they were born here or not.

I’m not sure what’s more laughable - that you honestly think Trump gives a damn about income inequality, or that you believe his attempts at ‘reversing course’ by alienating our allies and engaging in hostile trade wars - which hurt everyone - is going to do anything to benefit the lower and middle income classes.

Ya, but the average NFL fan wouldn’t be able to read and understand what you so eloquently wrote.

Is anyone surprised that a bunch of guys who got their jobs by gerrymandering is now trying to gerrymander economies?

Income equality is getting worse and wage stagnation is only an issue for the lower class while upper class wages are skyrocketing. Why do you think that exists? Maybe the same reason as companies like HD making stock buybacks with it’s tax savings while still closing domestic production because the stories about

oh, I can answer this easy one.

hypocrisy is a built in function of the GOP, this is a feature not a bug

I mean, it’s economics 101. It’s almost like he’s a fucking moron or something.

The GOP does the precise opposite of whatever they say is a principle of theirs. So actually, Trump is the perfect Republican. Small government? Nope. Fiscal responsibility? Nope. Pro-life? Nope. Pro-family? Nope.

That’s always been the Republican Way. Free markets, lower taxes, less regulation for me - but the opposite for, well...anyone they consider “not us.”


Trump also bullied Ford into not moving production of small cars to Mexico. So instead they’re just not going to sell small cars and sedans in the U.S.

Yet another example that Trump is never backing you, and that as far as he’s concerned you’re nothing but a tool to be used to promote himself.

There is a certain sad poetry in the idea that the motorcycle brand that embodies all of America’s worst tendencies is poised to be stabbed in the back by the president that also embodies all of America’s worst tendencies.

This confirms my worst suspicions about this movie. (Not to mention the trailer copy, “the next chapter in the Sicario saga.”)

I’m just happy we all survived the day after Putin heard FS1 announce Russia:Uruguay.

IF that admin does ALL of the bad things this one is doing, then yes they deserve it and that’s the point many like you are missing. Nobody told Ari Fleisher to get out of a restaurant in 2003. THIS Gop and THIS president are not normal. It’s a theocratic government that doesn’t mind working with Russia and jailing

Welcome to the Middle American paradox. I’ve been saying this for years: to many of these people, hatred of the other is more important than their own well-being.