
Bonus: Also allows easy up-kilt shots!

Ten Things about this article:

# 3 is so totally wrong. Don't you know by now that FaceBook only exists to steal your privates?!? It's all over the internet, mang.

@tbozeglav: Me too, Just outside Canton/Massillon Ohio!

@uncle moe: Nope, not just you, it seems when they fucking remember to include it, it's broken.

Okay, once-a-FUCKING-gain (tmesis, look it up) chop "/gallery/" off the fucking URL since you guys can't get a simple one-page fucking link to work.

Once again. Take the "/gallery/" off the crappy URL to get the ONE-PAGE awesomeness.

Facebook makes people who shake babies look nice.

@Jackie: Castle, Firefly and Serenity. IMDB his arse so you can bask in his awesomeness.

Another day, another busted "All in one page" link.

What's the altitude difference? Is it more or less downhill?

Slow-To-Load gallery my ass! Even on 1 MB Down/256kb Up internet (not even qualifying as "broadband" according to the FCC), the single page view is best, and takes but 5 seconds to load ALL images. In the mean time, I'm reading the first photo-caption, and the first photo is already loaded.

@forsinain42: P-p-p-please give Lampy some watts... Lampy is shaking s-so bbbbBad. He n-needs his fix!

Lazy Gizmodo, takes a half-turn to remove a Flourescent tube, like 3-4 turns for an incandescent!

Some vehicles just yearn to be trains. Ride the rails, pick up hobo vagrants, while the passengers read some classic Tolstoi eBooks.

So which is better, the Nook or the Kindle? I mean, I want free unlimited 3G web browsing for life of the device with the kindle (only to download books my ass!). But on the other hand, I'm creeped out by Amazon being able to come in and delete all my shit on the device.

@Nick1693: Plug and play GoogleVoice coming shortly. So people can text you or leave a voicemail and you'll get it on your peek email inbox

Correction: T-mobile has always been Peek's "network provider." With roaming provided on AT&T's GSM network.

@Bobby Stanley: Actually, some of the first (and the in depth review IIRC) articles here were pretty light on the criticism.