
This is furr shit.

Upvote for "yes, please".
The satisfaction derived therein would be short-lived and we all know the why.


Goddamn! Can this asshole NOT embarrass our country for one damn day?

Godwin's Law is not only inferred here, it's perpetual with this administration.

This guy can't be Trumps lawyer for very long. He can't get Top Secret clearance(for reasons unknown).
Without that, he can't represent Orange Idiot against any of the Russia related shit he's mired himself in.

Gird your loins! It's coming.

The incredible disconnect one must have from the black community to side with Orange Idiot is so disheartening. If souls exist, they've either sold theirs or did not have one to begin with. SAD!

I literally cackled at "boob which has been stabbed".
Now my office-mates have more ammunition to think of me as loco.


This is one time I cannot agree. I want to believe we're (The A.V. Club) better than this.

I have never uttered an "I told you so" to anyone after I've been proven right.

Usually there is a level of inebriation(on their part) before these David Brooks-ian types initiate comments that deter me from wanting to converse with them in the future.

This situation has occurred to me with my non-David Brooks friends.

Happy…and messy.

So you'd be the person responsible for the out of left field "musical" episode of the show based on that irredeemable loaf Chris Christie?

43 years old is much too soon. He still had love and a good life through his talent.

*looks at watch*

Damn! I've got the height, but I'm too "street".

Like premature death and regrets, probably.