Oh jeez, I thought it was just for getting a new person to play a few games, but FOUR people to level 10? I dont know four people who want to play HoTS who dont play it already, let alone ones that would play to level 10.
Oh jeez, I thought it was just for getting a new person to play a few games, but FOUR people to level 10? I dont know four people who want to play HoTS who dont play it already, let alone ones that would play to level 10.
Thank God for Kate Upton in today’s hyper-liberal, be-offended-at-everything society, to remind us that sometimes nothing makes us feel more human than the simplicity of a throbbing boner.
Kickasters i have personally backed that are fully out and good:
I’m from Sweden and like Japan, it’s a custom to always take off your shoes, because it’s clean.
hate to break it to you but it should like you suck as well
“Anime fans kinda suck..” Really?
Yepp, was gonna say it reminds me of Time and Eternity. Wonder if it’s the same devs making it.
Getting a strong Time and Eternity vibe from this and that frightens me greatly.
I think that a lot of these games are trash and now the devs are seeing what their shitty tower defense game is really worth in the grand scheme of things. Now if I buy a game for $7 on a whim, I can get my money back instead of just considering it sunk costs. No more, “oops, I bought a shitty game, might as well live…
So refunds were almost impossible before, and now they are possible. No shit the “statistics” are going show an uptick when you compare now to then. Buyers can now do a thing they couldn't, the statistics show them doing that thing
Every Souls game teaches the most basic mechanics. They’re always in messages in the intro level.
Uh what souls game doesn’t teach you the most basic mechanics. Every Souls game to date has had you go through a tutorial area of sorts lined with notes on how to play the game and some easy enemies to get you into the swing of things. Not sure what the hell you are on about or if you just never bothered to read the…
Not teaching players how to actually play the game isn’t some inspired design choice.
When I was playing through story mode I just assumed they would all be playable... pretty disappointing especially since cast we ended up getting is way too heavy on Special Forces characters. It’s a really weird decision to put characters in a fighting game you can’t play as.
The initial trailer gave a pretty good idea where's where.
I finished Dragon Age Inquisition, but unlike the first two games... I haven't even replayed it once. Even DA2 got a second playthrough.
OP is 100% right. Shitty port with over promised graphics. Three main problems :