All of them are locked, can’t play anything. They are downloaded. I wanted to play Bloodborne and now i can’t.
All of them are locked, can’t play anything. They are downloaded. I wanted to play Bloodborne and now i can’t.
Is this why all my games that I’ve bought digitally are locked? can’t play any of my games wtf :S
Yea cause a fucking anime is what we all wanted... GG Sega. Not gonna watch it out of spite.
I’m surprised that Firefall is still a thing. That game tanked hard after it’s endless beta...
get a friend(or a sister in my case) to play YOUR account while you play the newly created one :P
Pretty sad to change your name over some shitty terrorists... like who cares. We know it wasn’t THAT isis... this is just what the terrorists wanted, we are giving in to their demands.
Same here lol.
Rogue Galaxy is AMAZING! probably gonna pick it up, even for 15$
Crowd funded? boo!
The SNES never looked like this in Europe and also 80$? that’s the common price we pay to this day here in Sweden for a new console game. So be happy America, you have it good.
Well whatever they do i hope they bring it to the west and not on a shitty handheld like the PSP.
I really don’t like that it’s buy2play. When they were asked about future heroes/skins and if we would get them for free or if they would be payed DLC they dodged the question, really shady if you ask me and i can totally see them selling characters and map packs. Activision probably had a hand in this and i probably…
That’s a shame, it was just getting good. Season 3 was awesome :(
Kickasters i have personally backed that are fully out and good:
I’m from Sweden and like Japan, it’s a custom to always take off your shoes, because it’s clean.
“Twitch plays some turn based game, beats turn based game.” This is not Dark Souls people.
Why even make PS3 and 360 versions? drop that shit already.
Loved the first one, hope we get the second one in EU!
Well it could be good... i guess?
PogChamp !