
Yeah, you’ve got people pointedly reminding their coworkers that the POTUS is “the leader of our country,” yet their own universal respect for whomever is POTUS apparently does not extend to holding the current POTUS accountable for own words or actions.

presented in the form of a shoestring production: spotty sound, visible boom mics, etc

This looks like hot garbage.

Don't care.

And why would someone lie about being sexually assaulted? What could be gained from that? Nothing, really.

Teammate: Hey Jesus, what's gonna be your walk-up music this year?

"Wait wait wait. Is that really how you run your editorial meetings? "I'd like to read something about Gwyneth Paltrow"? First of all: That's not a story idea. That's not a pitch. There's no narrative there."

Oh please. That's exactly how Jezebel/Gawker and tabloids run their editorial meetings. You write about vapid

Also, it's "retch," not "wretch." If you are talking about gagging, that is. A wretch is a miserable person, like a professional writer who doesn't know the difference between homonyms.

I'm sorry your mother is not here right now, but I'll let her know you left a message for her.

And in fact I do "get it." You're setting a record for missed boats, but I was trying to see where you were coming from. Now I just think you suck. So congrats!

I definitely can't think of a single instance, and I'll repeat: I agree with you. Women of color are subjected to a gross double standard in many iterations of modern public life. I am totally, 100% with you on that, and I get why this makes you upset.

So, shouldn't the goal be to be above the people like that? Be the bigger person? I don't particularly care that they do it and get away with it, I expect it from them. I wouldn't expect this from MHP, and yes she herself didn't really say anything but her guests were over the line, so I like that she said "hey, that

MOM: [gathers kids around kitchen table] I'm sorry, guys. The last thing I ever want to do is embarrass you or make you look silly. You know that, right?