
It’s a 5 year old game being ported with less content, and struggling with issues other industry leaders fixed 10 years is Nintendo a leader in gaming?

You know what’ll ease that tedious crushing grind?
SV coins, available through macrotransactions right now!

Enemy Within.......... a rock

I’m trying not to find this cathartic, I promise

Hey now, don’t blame the game for YOU staying up late.... it’s clearly your 10 year old’s fault.

So, my 10 year old son wanted to play Stardew Valley. As tradition, we always start a new game sitting together on the couch. I let him play and he asks me for help if he doesn’t understand something and we sort of fumble through it together. We started playing around 7pm. At 8:30pm, game goes off and he gets ready

Replace ‘TMNT’ with ‘every game I played as a child’

My dad was the first person in the house to beat Dragon Warrior.

Footage of this guy is the best ISIS recruiting video ever.

This always comes to mind in those occasions: