
The problem with any celebrity is they get so rich, they lose the social group that keeps their crazy thoughts in check. No one tells Tom Cruise he’s batshit insane. 

Ok, so forget making mammoths de-extinct. How long for I can buy a purple miniature not really a mammoth? My dog is a not real wolf bred to get a completly white fur and long legs to run faster and look stunning. I bet this will end up beeing a trillion dollar enterprise suppling us with animals to keep as pets, and

It’s easier to replace jobs that demand a high education with AI. Because those jobs don’t involve any skill, just basic information. Pay skilled jobs more, and replace skill less jobs with AI. AI can cram all the knowledge of the entire University in it’s databanks in mere seconds. But it takes years and years of

It’s easier to replace jobs that demand a high education with AI. Because those jobs don’t involve any skill, just basic information. Pay skilled jobs more and replace skill less jobs with AI.

Thats why they have secret identities. In Justice League he moved my entire apartment building. Now I can’t receive mail anymore. Superman is a &^$%$^@!

So they are developing a test, to test a tiny section, of parts of a chicken, to establisch if that tiny piece contains salmonella? While you can just cook it properly in the first place. Which you where about to do anyway?

They should have started with the question if they should develope it. Not if they could.

I love how people get worked up over what’s in essence the 21st century equivalent of gossip magazines.

They start building selfsustaining biospheres to keep themselfs and all the people they need to serve them alive. Like the Line in Saudi Arabia.

It’s natures way of autocorrecting. Humans aren’t smart enough to sustain an equilibrium with the ecosystems and climates it’s depending on. So sooner or later, we will be making room for a species that does.

A yes, influencers. The part of society without a formal education, that tells the others who are too stupid to make up their own mind, what to do. Those are the ones you want on board. 

Probably a great investment. I bet the number of google pay accounts will sky rocket as soon as it apears in the mainstream news.

It’s a pile of garbage. People can choose to watch something way better. And they do. The same goes for Andor. It’s boring. I don’t need to be patient. I want to watch something thats actually good. The Lord of the Rings movies set the bar. The series doesn’t come even close. I watched every minute of the serie and

In most of those countries the USA living standards are considered 3rd world standards. Large parts of the USA don’t have proper medical care and or clean tap water. The same goes for the crimes rates in the USA. And healthy food isn’t available to a large part of the US population due to the fact healthy food in the

Compared to the USA all the other countries in the list are 99% safer.

The biggest problem is salination of ground water. The higher the sea level, the furter inland the saltwater will creep up. It will kill almost all plant life and animal life in the region. Drinking water will be harder and harder to come by.

The LGBTQ community is a minority, Which this sorry excuse for a human being is actively bullying. Disney thwarted an attempt to bully this community, which is the reason why he tried to bully Disney into submission. The USA is “the land of the free”. Not the land of christian fascist zealots.

Stopping a facist bully in his tracks from bullying a minority, is a win.

The land of the free (to destroy someones life because you want to).

Whales are dying of starvation, because we, the human race, messed up the climate. Fortunately nothing has to change to fix it. We are already making the planet uninhabitable for humans.

The “good guys” are the victors. The victors write the history books. True good does not exist anywhere. Not even in StarWars.