
They have 1.6 million dollars in funding so it’s more likely they will send the actual lego set.

It’s not that they started with chicken and start with steak after this. The first lab grown meats where beef. Beef is a lot more difficult to grow in a lab compared to chicken meat. And a lot more expensive as well. Becides the fact that supermarket “chicken” taste exactly the way they are treated. Like 50 cents

It’s basically rich kids toys these days. It’s cheaper to buy them a game console or a brand new flatscreen tv.

They went on a quest through a void and desolate world. Stopping the evil grand mother. It would be hard to fill a gripping movie with this. Instead they spanned that journey over an entire season of episodes.

Or as God called him “Jack”. Lingua Latina isn’t gods prefered language.

I absolutely love this game. The hate this game got was mostly undeserving. It shouldn’t have been released on the old consoles. Other than that it was a great immersive experience. People are brainless heard animals, blindly following the heard. Unable to form their own oppinion. 

I wonder how much it will cost to remove this fascist dictator from his throne.

We shouldn’t fear AI. We murder, torture, imprison, exterminate entire species, commit genocide, commit the most unspeakable atrocities in conflict with basic human rights. Furthermore, we are destroying our own climate. We are the monsters to fear. Not AI. AI should fear us.

The rings of power was terrible. The writing was terrible. The acting was terrible. The forced woke elements where terrible. I wanted to like this series so bad. I watched all of it. And I can’t say anything other than it’s total absolute garbage. It’s a terible stain on my memories of Lord of the Rings.

I could say, get vaccinated to save your life and those of your loved ones. But there is no vaccination against stupidity. So I will respect her choice, by not going to any movie with her in it.

That’s debatable. They had no trial. There was no investigation. They end up in hell, because someone, high up the chain, decided they should end up in a hellhole. Which makes the US government just as terrible. Seeing how you react, you’re not much better either.

Foldable phones are the solution to a problem, that doesn’t exist. It doesn’t enable you to do things you couldn’t do before. It makes your high resolution HDR screen look terrible. Furthermore, it cuts your phone’s life down to 2 years or less. It’s terrible for your battery life, and the environment (more e-waste).

You are right about NK and China commiting atrocious acts of cruelty and crimes against humanity. But did you know the US does the exact same thing? The only difference is the scale at which it’s happening, and the fact the US goverment does a way better job at hiding it. The things that happens at US blackops sites

So they basically made a full confession of being a criminal organization located in Israel. Tampering with other nations elections.

Launching a rocket with a nuclear reactor as a payload. What could possibly go wrong? It’s not as if rockets explode during launch from time to time. I’m shure everything will be fine.

If it in fact really was a weather balloon. What’s all the fuss about shooting one down when it entered restricted airspace?

Not all zoo’s are shit. At this point in history, zoo’s are basically arks to protect species from us. Zoo’s are a symptom of a much bigger problem, mankind. We don’t deserve this planet. Humans are self-centered a-holes.

Zuckerberg thinks it’s the future because he thinks he can make money of it, by throwing money at it till it’s successful. He’s basically throwing billions of dollars into a wishing well.

Holland was a country. Yes it’s the Netherlands these days, but Holland used to be an actual kingdom till 1810.

They went to great lenghts to prevent anyone from disturbing their last resting place. Only to be dug up, and sold, to be displayed for peoples amusement and lust for knowledge.