Tesla could have launched a car at Uranus. What a waist. That would have been the best rememberd step into spaceflight history.
Tesla could have launched a car at Uranus. What a waist. That would have been the best rememberd step into spaceflight history.
Charity has become a business model, compacting the problems even further. Donating 6 billion dollars will do shit. Elon please build a business model to feed each and every person on the planet in a sustainable way.
I bet he could.
- Covid-19
- Extreme sleep deprivation
- Suicide
- Poisoned by eating to much of certain products.
- Overdosed
- Eating and drinking to little.
No those have a way higher mortality rate. People simply drive in the water.
Thanks internet for clearing this up. I will hope for children with birth defects from now on. Because It’s the right thing to do. Can’t wait for the next post that gets over analyzed.
The thing you should never do, is Mash potatoes. What was that person thinking. Hey we need to make this potato into something without flavor, texture and or any visual apeal.
Leading the way by poisoning and imprisioning all opposition. Sure that sounds like a nation I would follow any day! Don’t mind me. I’m not looking for the exit at all..
The fundamental problem with the Metaverse, is the fact no one wants a Metaverse run by a Bond villain. Someone should have warned him no amount of money will make people forget your an ass.
It’s nice to see someone else took a chance on casting Chewbacca.
So they basicly thought hey we ripped off someones idea and it worked. Lets rip off Monster Hunter: World and do it all over again.
He clearly isn’t good at racism or he wouldn’t offer to better his life. I have always found it strange to punnish someone outside of the legal system for something they did. Does he deserve to be punnished, hell yes. But vigilantism is just as wrong.
Wallowitz at it again.
Belgians speak Flemish, not Dutch.
Last night I saw her get beaten up, and stabbed by John Wick. This is getting out of control. We need movies where they just shake hands and leave each other alone. That would be the funniest and most boring DC universe movie at the same time.
No one forces you to keep your job. Diseases don’t care what your political point of view is. Or if you trust big pharma or not. If you don’t care, or you want to spread a deadly disease, fine! Go see your family. I really don’t get why people think it’s OK to play russian roulet with other peoples lives.
Yes I know,…
So this title is complete garbage. Because the UN didn’t say screw off. They said go file a lawsuit against the counties that can actually do something about it.
Or, never drop food on the floor. It’s not that difficult. All you need to accomplish this, is a brain. If you can’t prevent your food from falling on the floor, you’ve got bigger issues to adress.
Replace her. Stupidty is not a valid reason to endanger others.
There are litteraly hundreds of snap assist tools available that work way better. Even this snap tool. Which is basicly the Microsoft power tool integrated in Windows. Everything in this list is available for Windows 10.
Microsoft has the long tradition of scrapping as much functions in an newer version of Windows as…
What could possibly be wrong about toys that ressemble weapons and showing childeren how to fire them. It’s not like children have acces to firearms in their homes.