
I disagree. He didn't steal Zack's identity. That would kind of require him to say that he's Zack and not Cloud. What happened was after Zack and Cloud got shot, the Jenova cells scrambled Cloud's memories with Zack's. Quite frankly Cloud didn't know what was going on. On top of that, you have his mother and town

You obviously didn't understand anything about the game.

Gamecube had a 485 MHz CPU and a 162 MHz graphics card and the PS2 had a 294.912 MHz CPU. I think they picked the wrong game to compare it to. The GameCube version was release quite a few months before the PS2 version. A majority of people I know played that version and skipped the PS2 version (or waited).

I care more about actual games and gameplay than online services of the past.

The 3DS has been out for three years now, and the Wii U has been out for a little over a year. This is compared to the Xbox One and Playstation 4, which have been out only a few months. On top of that, the 360 and PS3 have much bigger online communities, functionality, and dependency — Nintendo doesn't.

Hey, everyone, if you're into this kind of thing, we can have others on the team do them for other platforms, too.

The first image is by artist Ash Vickers, and his defense was,

Here's another look at the finish.

Not sure the cops tears really outweigh the tears of the parent in the situation.

They're kids. As Vldlkron7 said, this is something that is learned over time.

Nah, they're kids. When you get older yourself you'll realize that.

We can't even trust trained professionals to use guns responsibly. Can someone please explain to me why we should all be carrying concealed weapons?


"My issue with the 3DS is that none of the games seem to have more than eight to twelve hours of content"

I don't know about the iOS version, but the Android version you can get it on the Aptoide store or just search for the .APK file and download it. Flappy Bird lives on.

Imagine if Nintendo rereleased Super Mario 64, with cleaned-up graphics... for the PC, Xbox, and Sony platforms only. Imagine if Sony dropped Shadow of the Colossus HD... but only on the PC, Xbox, and Nintendo platforms. Imagine if Microsoft released Halo 2 multiplayer... bbbbbbbut only on Sony, Nintendo, and, yes,

"Yes, let's take a PC exclusive and rerelease it not on PC."

This is the only Echo prime for me

The PC version only comes in third because the definitive version wasn't released for the PC. Which it easily could have and taken the top spot.

Facts are facts. The "Master Race" wouldn't have a problem with the "Peasants" if they would at least be willing to acknowledge the truth.