Naw...Fuck 'em
Naw...Fuck 'em
I would buy one if I had the extra $$ and didn't already have an Hp Touchpad (AOKP Milestone 6)
I wont lie, I really liked a number of the things I saw in BB 10, combine some of those things with webOS and you might have a powerhouse...too bad it wont happen.
Samsung, I use the ones I got with my Gnex; and your right, If I'm going to put money in on headphones, then yes, I'll take proper headphones and not ear buds.
I work in Compliance...I win the shattered Homes/dreams contest.
HA I love it, you get a +1 good sir, and another +1 for your cheek.
They are faster and cooler, the 4s is essentially the iphone 4 with a dual core processor...yippy; the only other thing the iPhone 4s has that the 4 doesn't is know that broken product that just doesn't work.
It depends for me, at work I use earbuds so I can still tell if people are trying to talk to me. when I'm at home working or gaming, I rock my Bose Headphones.
agreed, and they also think that becasue they cant recreat a 1 in a million event, then it cannot possibly happen.
So Much for the Mythusters busting that Myth. A sonic boom CAN in fact shatter a window.
Something is not at all useful, when its its not reliable. would a car that only started 68% be a useful tool to get to work everyday? no, would a computer that turned on only 68% of the time be useful? no. not at all useful means that you cannot rely on something enough to be able to use it regularly. Just because…
Vote: SwiftKey 3
I've been doing this at work for some time now, I use head phones almost all day at my desk and have collected a couple of of backups now, it works great actually.
Vote: Nova Launcher Prime
when has apple EVER stood up for their customers?
10GB of data worth; I"m still on unlimited so It looks like I'll just save the money that I would spend each month if I switched to the new shared plan, and used that to buy a new phone every year instead of using their rip off pricing "discount" every two years. I win Verizon :)