
Is this only possible through bootcamp or can his method allow a Linux installation to boot a physical partition with windows 7 on it? #virtualbox

@Zombie16[THC]: what would bother you more is the buttons and extra frame trim being in the middle of your image space. and those clamps are plenty strong. and you could even use a thin strip of rubber if you were really concerned over friction.

"Service unavailable."

Its funny. For a summer job, I helped out an awning company, and they always used this method to carry extension cords. Its actually very easy to unwind, just start pulling on the connectors, friction from the ground on the rest is enough to just keep pulling it out.

I think the phone kills the fung schwei for me. I would never consider answering the phone while working on relaxing at that setup.

I'm happy that Hp finally got it together and updated printer/scanner drivers for Vista. I got home the other day and HP update was all like, "look at me, I'll fix it."

Displays same image on both of my monitors.

I agree with the don't lie, but the number of things you can file for are staggering.

yes it does, but not with this much information.

VOTE: Desktoptopia

Great so for those Vista users, you will have to wait until the BSOD problem is fixed.

Just a note. From what I can tell, Vista users that are currently using glasser to smooth out the glass look of a window will be broken by this.

@Ted Avery. Back when they posted the general guide to making a ringtone involving itunes, I put a link to the program in the comments. That may have been where you saw it.

You could do it all manually like the guide says. But that is too much work. Just use this.

never heard of john desktop switcher.

The only addon I miss while using FF3 is a good tab manager. I hate currently how every link seems to open a new tab. Quite annoying.

You have to admit that it looks decently clean. Sure it might fly out, but some sort of 4th pivoting arm would fit that. Drill a hole and use a small nut and bolt maybe to allow it to swivel.

The only problem I have had with Vista thus far is that it needs an MTU setting of 1500 for something internet apps to work right (gmail among other things). Other than that I must have been lucky. I would love to see faster file copy speeds but I dont want to mess with a good thing. I will see what the final

I use two monitors so programs like this as far as productivity go don't help too much, but if a program like this could handle multiple monitors? Well lets just say that TWO spinning cubes with each their own hotkey would be pretty nifty.