
Damn...beat me to it...I already had a picture and everything.

What you did there....I see it.

Can we get a Saudi to explain what possesses these people to be this dumb? Is it just money?

"How The Hell Does This Car Drive?"

Sorry, reading comprehensions would help. lol. I didn't read but the first paragraph.

I'm right there with you. My 1.5million wouldn't go to the casino though, but an off shore account.

They've made a statement, looks kinda dickish.

U sure?

Hope he beat that guys ass afterward.

No r35 engine, don't care.

That looks like a genius setup for growing. Water could trickle down into your medium of choice, lights hung from the top if only I lived in

Not a bad idea at all. Good luck with the install, and don't forget to swap the bracket and screw from the Superdrive to the Optibay alternative.

Very easy, literally a 10 minute job. I actually just called apple today for some cosmetic and screen issues, and they said if you take it for warranty with an optibay it won't void your warranty/apple care unless the damage can be linked back to the install. Taking mine in tomorrow, but going to leave the optibay in

Touche sir.

As someone who modifies everything I own, and threw an optibay into my MBP in the first week, this would suck for me, but I'm content for the next few years with mine. If they continue this trend, I will probably not purchase another Apple laptop, but that's just me.

Yeah, but they make more money that way, so it's a good business model.

That's what I would assume, although G+ does leave some things to be desired. I would think that if G+ had a user base, they would change things more often to give the people what they want.

Nobody would use it...well....some would, but most wouldn't and would defect to the nearest competitor, which would cause everyone to do it, since social networks are only as good as their user base.

I have a larger Mark Jacobs print that is photo realistic. I stare at it sometimes, trying to find a flaw, but can't. It's absolutely amazing.

This is not a pipe. Great painting.