

Wrong post

Time to return my HTC HD Media Link.....

Why not? If they can get you to buy into their ecosystem, they've made a customer for life. Give you a free app, and you will only buy content for that device, and they assume it will push more people into the Xbox as not only a game console, but as a home entertainment device. A computer in every home has turned

Damn wishbone suspension....

My thoughts exactly. Amazing to think of what they have now, if this is old tech. I was once told that if a new technology comes out, the defense department has had it for years (think GPS, Internet, cell phones).

The top ones kinda make since for the here and now. If we had as much transparency during WWII as we do now, these very well could be true (other than the 'Your girlfriend is going to leave you', and 'Your mother will mourn you')

2nd'ed! I got a new rom that takes care of the annoying lack of a menu button, and now the phone is perfect.

True. Just weird wording I guess.

Damn, that was awesome, but knowing it was sponsored by honda kinda makes it lame. Can anyone confirm if it was a real proposal?

I can second this. Purely in the name of science though.

Deep friers are usually set between 325-425 *F. Plastics should melt at around 250*F. Also, the laptop and old ipod use HDD, which would be damaged by the non conductive oil. Oil is not conductive, but when you mix the other components like batter, it makes it conductive. Also, the glass would have shattered on

Looks like a bunch of internet trolls took some fake gadgets and deep fried them just to get people pissed off. Nothing to see here, move along people.

They're all fake. Maybe that's why?

Hmmm....wonder what's gonna win this one?

What it looked like after the first sand storm:

I made a $5 offer, but it got declined. Darn.