And I’m always that hunter/lock that forgets to unsummon their pet when they jump...
And I’m always that hunter/lock that forgets to unsummon their pet when they jump...
if it wasn’t for those horrible wheels, I’d consider it as a laugh.
The US Might have a lot of nukes, but what Trump doesn’t seem to realise is, they don’t have the most, or biggest nukes. Russia never got the memo that “Hey, we’re getting kinda out of hand here” They have nukes that would level entire STATES, not cities. Trump ever followed through on that threat.. well RIP World.
Looks kinda nice over all, but I’m not sure if people are going to be willing to drop Premium SUV price on a completely unknown brand.
Good. Let them. Hire some new talent and maybe find us the next Morgan Freeman.
That Gorilla’s junk is censored.
Oh my.
That’s pretty much why they’re just giving it to PC players, because they realise they’ll never pay money for something that would actually be a downgrade from what they’ve currently got.
At this point couldn’t they just write a computer program to beat it in an absolute perfect time?
Well, atleast they know the suspects were blind now?
Other artists have stayed on the stage with bleeding wounds from guitaring, or getting hit with something, played with broken arms, legs, dislocated shoulders, in the pouring rain, blistering heat, and kayne is “uh, my girlfriend got robbed I gotta go hop on my private jet to be with her”
Disgusting. What about all…
Well considering neither of us has any, I don’t think this is very relevant.
I’d never defend her, she’s a joke.
Hopefully this’ll undo all the horrible women in racing press that Danica Patrick has accumulated
Yeah, it also reminds me why it’s such a pain in the ass for other games to have Porsches, because of the exclusivity deal Porsche had with NFS for awhile
No one wants to pay full sticker price for a car, it’s not a fucking iphone, you’re supposed to haggle price.
This sounds like an absolutely fucking terrible idea.
99.95% of Bugattis probably ever even see 100mph
Too bad it requires Windows 10 or I would have picked this up immediately.. Now it’s like, do I wanna waste $130 on Windows 10 to dual boot for one game, or blow $500 on an Xbox One.. Cause damn i want Horizon 3
Dreadnought is a bit of a joke these days.. Was announced and had a playable build before Fractured Space was even started, since then FS has gone from 3-ships terrible alpha, closed beta, open beta, and now full playable release and is quite functional, and enjoyable.. Dreadnought is where..? So sad, I was so…
Why the fuck did you necro this post? it’s from like February, and it isn’t any less cringy now than it was then.