i agree. we can’t afford to lose him.
i agree. we can’t afford to lose him.
I am advocating for a set of rules for what happens when someone accuses you of harassment, regardless of party affiliation. Such as - minimal investigation into what happened and consequences commensurate with the offense. Applied to any senator. As a woman, I would find that more useful to my needs (which do include…
1) Gillibrand was fine pandering to racists to Upstate New York ( re: immigration and prison reform) but hey.
Yeah. I could have articulated that more artfully. I’m just trying to make the point that we need to be careful and people’s political views shouldn’t get in the way of finding out the truth. And, yes, you’re correct that most of the high-profile cases lately have been corroborated and stand up to scrutiny. And in…
Republicans wouldn’t be able to find the moral high ground if they’re lives depended on it.
That’s the thing—Franken staying in power does not help prop up More, whether Franken leaves or stays has literally zero impact on Moore, to think otherwise is to not appreciate the differences in the types of games Republicans and Democrats are playing. That’s my point.
Yeah, just like those votes for Bernie and Stein worked out.
Ah, yes. Purity.
Can we please as a public make the reasonable transition to believing all women by completing a thorough investigation? Everything about the allegations against Franken wreaks of dubious bs scrounged up by Republicans who wanted to hit our most popular senator. If the allegations prove true then of course he should…
Show whom what now? They’re willing to vacate Senate seats? Rep seats? Will this somehow make Roy Moore withdraw his name from the Senate race in AL? Induce a dawning of consciousness on the 35% supporting Trump that there is a magical, moral compass within them pointing to the Left, the Party of Moral Victories? What…
Everyone? Great, show “them.” And all those white women who voted for Trump will suddenly see the light and not do so a second time, and all those women voting and campaigning for Moore will be won over by our righteous seizure of the “moral high-ground.” Fantasy. I mean, whether he resigns or not, it’s not likely…
I’m sorry if I offend anyone with my opinion but I’m just upset by accusers’ choice of words. The #MeToo movement is extremely important for reasons we’re all very aware of and I hope that victims continue to come out with their stories. But I think in this particular situation the accuser’s choice of words were a…
Pam is Right. If you know that producer is a grimy, shady, pevert, rapist because in the Hollywood circles he was known to be an asshole type let’s go to a hotel room alone for discussion on a movie role and that actress knew his reputation for being a slime ball then why even go to the room. If I knew in advance I…
Most of the comments are really missing the point of what Pam was trying to get across. Pam’s message is that of “common sense”... not a message of victim-shaming. As a woman, I’m not utilizing common sense by trusting anybody that I don’t know, period. History and crime statistics all verify this. And unfortunately,…
Of course there is only one person to blame, the abuser. But the definition of insanity is repeating the same act and expecting different results. If every time someone meets Harvey Weinstein alone in his house or a hotel room and he assaults them, and other women have heard this, then it’s just common sense to…
Ms. Anderson like myself comes from a different perspective than most women. I was abused. I was raped. Whether Ms. Anderson dealt with her issues or not I did and will continue to do so because it is a lifelong process. We must as a society prepare women for the realities of the world not what we wish for them. I…
I think one point very much being missed here is this: no matter the circumstances surrounding sexual assault/rape, women (and males, too, who have been in the same situation) should not have to be afraid to speak out, to report this to the police, or to even say ‘no, this isn’t appropriate for the workplace’ without…
First, I’m a man who has worked in the film and television industry for 9 years. Not once has a male colleague asked me “go up to his hotel room” or addressed me in a fucking robe.
Second, you have to admire all the neo-feminists trying to rationalize how another woman could go against their sacred dogma by trying to…
All of these responses to her comments are utterly stupid. She is not wrong. For example: Chicago inner city gun violence is at record highs; don’t travel to Chicago inner city unless you want to accept the risk you might get shot. Is this excusing the shooters? No. It is simply common sense and a reality. Until the…
actually i thought she was well-spoken and didnt say anything offensive. its so easy to tear someone apart these days but at least shes doing something beneficial to society by giving lectures about pornography. some of porn is straight up rape. young men and women need to know the difference.