Serious Gord

As there is no way the closed minds that operate this site will post something that counters the left wing orthodoxy I will post this for those who might find it useful:

Re: First Gear

I think it can readily argued that mr. Tracy does indeed need therapy. He exhibits hoarding tendencies of an odd form. Unfortunately he has many enablers.

Gotta think that the percentage of jalopnik readers who make irrational car-buying decisions is far far higher than that of the average buyer.

It’s was THE dominant power source for all of the 20th century and even now remains on top for electrical power generation.

They have them. And the feds have theirs. And the constitution gives the right in this case to the feds.

Trump and the auto companies who support the action AND THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION are on the right side. 

UN-modded it would be worth 20 k 

The infrastructure issue is huge to the point of being hopelessly impractical. Enormous upgrades to the grid to residential areas (esp apartments and condos.) will cost into the trillions. 

Plenty of people drive more than 200 miles at a stretch. I do it probably once or twice a week. And longer hauls ten or fifteen times a year. That plus charging points are very few. Standardized swappable batteries are the only solution if you want widespread adoption of battery-powered EVs. 

Removable batteries are the only way.

The facts back you up. EV sales in the US are down from the same month in 2018 for three months in a row now. And global sales have leveled-off the past two months.

And this is what Donald Trump was talking about a few months ago and jalop crapped all over him. 

I have always wondered why no manufacturer has offered a high performance model w/ awd etc. 

That is a very small minority of people who otherwise are a perfect candidate for a minivan. 

And the Dutch have almost no local healthcare r&d - buying it from the US instead. The quality in government-run systems is lower and there is rationing.

And this is a very good thing. 

Better to just remove the deduction for healthcare and let individuals and the market - with help from the government in some cases - find the most efficient and effective way of providing healthcare. 

Nope - it’s your car. You want to go after Tesla that’s up to you.

Trump is correct. If fuel standards were lower a manufacturer could say add 200 pounds into a stronger chassis. Pretty simple logic.