Serious Gord

Let’s take your bogus 20 billion subsidy number as legit. Compared to revenues and profits of the oil, ng and coal sector that’s a pittance. Take them away and their businesses carry on. The ev sector disappears without those subsidies.

Trickle down does work - just look at how much you paid for your smartphone and hdtv.

5th gear: virtue signalling - nothing more

Thankfully we won’t be hearing “Hillary elected”.

Like so many of Obama’s actions - the rule was invoked in an unconstitutional way. The trump administration is correcting that wrong.

Which companies or government organizations or environmental groups or individuals aren’t “out to make money”

Safety is important but the difference from Best to worst within each class is very very small and thus these ratings should have no impact on a buyers decision.

The pyramid’s victims are the shareholders in this case

These companies are just virtue signalling. If they have any knowledge they know it’s vaporware - a 16 megawatt charger is not practical or safe.

Full evs - no ice - are going to remain a tiny part of the market. Ice powered vehicles with brake energy scavenging and plug-in battery power will become common.

The oil industry wasn’t built on government assistance. And it had paid trillions in taxes over the years.

Oil subsidies are a tiny fraction of the cost compared to ev subsidies. And while we’re at it let’s cut all of the rules that favour evs without reason - cafe standards being the biggest.

And he has no driver’s licence because?...

Agreed “help the helpless - forget about the clueless”

make your case.

go check out the growth rate and the stock market in trumps first year compared to the 8 years of misery of high regulation obama

you have choice - there are other carriers.

compare the cost per mile adjusting for inflation and purchasing power parity and get back to me with your apology.

you can get awesome quality if you are prepared to pay for it. Meanwhile vastly more people can afford it. Why are you against lower income being able to fly?

the qualitative gap between rich and poor has never been closer.