A constructionist - he is perfect.
A constructionist - he is perfect.
Europa is very likely too small for a 6'6" guy.
And if its raining or snowing or the bumber is muddy?
why? with autonomous capability it could be far more efficient than a bus or train.
No chance the ban will happen. EVs for the entire fleet are not possible for manifold reasons nont the least of which is grid capacity.
I’ll save them several million dollars by telling them it isn’t feasible- no study required.
Unless you live in a snowy, hilly place. then they are a nightmare.
Acadia and mazda 5 are both too small for a family of six where the third row would be permanently up and thus almost nil cargo space - and getting to the booster seats in the back is a real pain.
If a technology needs a subsidy/grant to be viable it isn’t viable.
The Jeep is THE defintive 4x4 of the 20th century - no contest. Heck it’s name has become interchangeable with 4x4 for many people.
This erasing of our history would be Asinine if t wasn’t so dangerous.
Filthy, Filthy Supermodel-level car porn...
Half of the herd is male - dairy culls make up most of the cheap cuts and hamburger meat on the market
If god didn’t intend us to eat cattle why did he make them out of meat?
I can’t believe someone would spend that much and not be able to drive 400 miles without stopping.
Unions dominate in California like no other state. - the pubic sector unions - particularly the teachers union practically own the California government and are literally driving it to bankruptcy.
It’s going to be very difficult to make it charge any faster without endangering the user. By my math a supercharger draws 400 amps. That’s arguably pushing things safety-wise.
So it tops out north of 57000. And it’s about the size of a BMW 3 series.