Nora Hemlock

Pfft, she didn’t have that harrowing of a journey. Trying to get my Disqus account linked to Kinja, now that’s harrowing. Frankly, my ordeal makes what she went through seem like a trip to the cupcake factory.*

*This is possibly a slight overstatement.

I think they’re saying it will take a little bit. I’m sad because one of my last comments before the Kinja-Dammerung got me the most upvotes I had ever gotten and now they’re all gone.

People have really started to tout the Batman warehouse fight from Batman V Superman as ‘the best Batman fight scene ever’ which really bugs be. Because no matter how well choreographed or executed it is, it’s utterly hollow. There’s no emotional connection to the outcome of the fight, or to Batman as a character in

“Mr. Mills...we have your daughter.”

*Testing testing* Is this thing on?

Speaking of things being taken, I sure do miss using Disqus on here. *Sighs wistfully*

KotOR (and TOR) are far enough in the past from the ‘current day’ of Star Wars that I think it’s pretty safe to consider them canon unless and until Disney decides to contradict them.

Another fun thing about Fallout 2 and kids, this self-referential easter egg.

Maybe don’t spray when there’s a kid in the streets between you and your target. Maybe don’t give Sulik a SMG

I’m a pretty big Star Wars fan. I consumed the Dark Horse comics, many of the novels, and so on.

In a perfect world, Disney would find the 12 or so people who were responsible for Lucas Art’s old adventure games and get them to do a Star Wars series for mobile devices.

Will Eli Wallach have a dedicated “Hey, Blondie” button?

I adore the fact that in all the insane diving around and guns fired in the finale not a SINGLE person dies. That’s a gag in of itself. Even Skinner, after what happens to him! (“It really huuuuurts!”)

That’s nice, but we all know Green Lantern’s best team up was with this dude.

"It's the social justice Avengers! Why not a team of Marvel's most popular characters?"

"OK, that would be Miles Morales, Ms. Marvel, the current Thor, Iron Man, Nova, and The Vision."

What a fucking dork you are, man...Social Justice Avengers. Adjust your hat, neckbeard, and venture forth from thy parent's basement. Breath that fresh air. Take a hit from your asthma inhaler. Now relax because it's just a comic book.

Objectively speaking, breasts are much nicer to look at than penises.