I don’t think so - I don’t think he ever worked on Doctor Who. I’ve heard he nearly designed the Daleks, though, but schedules changed and Raymond Cusick did them.
I don’t think so - I don’t think he ever worked on Doctor Who. I’ve heard he nearly designed the Daleks, though, but schedules changed and Raymond Cusick did them.
“... a particularly grinding experience.”
I think it was obvious enough to not need explicit explanation. As far as I’m concerned, a couple of years from now, Moist’s going to find himself running the city and doing surprisingly great at it.
Nah, I think there’s something perfect about the fact that the jammy bastard got away with it.
What?! The only time you could get rich at comics writing is right now, when you can publish whatever you want, call it an elaborate storyboard and get a big advance. The only creators who got rich off comics in the 80s were (arguably) Eastman and Laird, because they got into the cartoon game early!
Reading your Alan Moore article now! Though I don’t know why on earth you’d think Alan Moore is rich - he’s a comics writer! The real money is in movie money, which he doesn’t take. That’s why Mark Millar is rich. And how could he have published Watchmen at Eclipse? DC owned the characters.
I do think how bad it is is drastically overstated, though. In fact, its reputation seems to be mostly collateral damage from the Star Wars prequels. Crystal Skull is... perfectly fine. Is it the worst one? Sure. (It’s roughly equal to Temple of Doom, but that one has enough iconic moments to be memorable, whereas Sku…
His Ultimates was only fine. I think Ultimates’ real legacy was Bryan Hitch, whose influence you can still see in the movies. Whereas most of the Millarisms are completely thrown out.
I’m still here. Spent ages this morning trying to merge my accounts. Should all my old Disqus comments have shown up on this Kinja account yet?
Finally have work again! Can't hang around, actually, I should probably already have left.
My first name's unique in my family - Mam wanted a nice Irish name, and I was born within a few days of an Irish saint's day with a name she liked, so that was that. But my middle name is my grandad's name - Joachim. (The Virgin Mary's father's name, for any who don't know. And also the patron saint of grandads, which…
I think it's bit important actually. Irish mythology, and one of the only interesting Irish women in comics… and now she's another American, played by an American (or an Irish woman played by an American, which will probably be cringeworthy). Sigh.
Nah, Jack's heart wouldn't be broken. Jack'd probably drag his hundred-year-old ass out of his studio and onto the street and sort them out himself.
I read some of the Englehart/Rogers issues a while ago. Aside from the typically great Rogers art, I can't really remember much about it. But I think it was pretty good.
Love the Jack'n'Stan stuff too (I own two collections I hadn't actually read yet, but I'm digging into them this week. Starting with the first Black Panther issues and I think it'll take me up to Blastaar and Ronan the Accuser?) I also remember enjoying Ultimate FF, but I only read as far as Think Tank. There was some…
I just found A Gentleman's Game in a secondhand bookshop the other week! Which is great, because I'd actually stopped reading the Q&C trades at that point, waiting for the day I'd be able to get it. I'm planning to reread the whole thing now soon.
Are you still going to be around on Kinja, Dik? Because seriously, nothing would make it feel more like the Real AV Club was gone forever than you disappearing. Thanks for all the laughs, man.
Hope she gets well soon, Si.
I sort of drifted away from io9 (largely in favour this site) about two years ago now. I suppose I might find myself back there more if everything's run off a Kinja account. Funnily enough, one of the things that drove me away was the inundation of right-wing arseholes and spambots as io9 was gradually subsumed into…
Kinjapocalypse thread: