
There were no spoilers. The statute of limitations for spoilers is at most six months, but most probably much less. 

While Logan is a better movie than Wonder Woman, I think there is little doubt WW is more “important.” But in overall quality, WW is lucky to be the fourth best comic book movie that came out in 2017.

Maryland football players relative to the student body (academically) are trash. So mean, but not untrue.

Flop apologists can’t get their stories straight. 

Your answer is not responsive.

“She’s my favorite royal, by a country mile,” one correspondent told Reginato. “She knows all our names, she fosters a sense that we’re all in this together. She always gives you a little gleam in her eye and will find a moment to look at our cameras.”

He’s one of those guys that important people in Hollywood decided would be a star and no matter the results, they’ll keep trying to make it happen (also see: Sam Worthington, Liam Helmsworth and (of course) Shia The Beef).

Yes, they are discriminated against many places.

Why would she be embarrassed? Specifically, why?

What an asshole, making money for his family.

Home court, especially with a young team like the 76ers, is going to be important in the East. It didn’t matter much last year because Lebron is immune to such problems.

“They said that they liked the way Bryan was protesting because it was silent protest.

Did female gymnasts wear shorts in the 60s?

Such as...

Why are you posting multiple times about something you don’t care about?

But what if you don’t want your money to disappear into a pit of corruption and want it to actually help people?

“divisive language and anger aren’t contributing to a solution of any sort”

I’m sure there were good ideas on both sides here.

And WWE still tries to push Becky’s “cult popularity” as 90% of their live fanbase cheers her every move.

You are either one of the stupidest motherfuckers in the world or you did know that. Which is it?