
You are EXPRESSLY asked each time before you get naked in front of someone?

There is no connection between something being “alleged” and a conviction. It is just a way to avoid a defamation case. Since he has admitted to the actions, there is now no need to “allege” anything, as truth is a defense in any defamation case.

Were they assholes? Were they specifically making decisions that increased the changes that the frail would get sick and potentially die?

Despite having so many inherent benefits, you are so absolutely below average. It’s stunning.

“Trump has a proven track record of success”

First of all, I’m a New York Republican, so I’m not spending a lot of time working with Antifa. I was campaigning for Kemp before you got your first pube.

No, I want a link. Or police report from the NYPD. Not some incel on Youtube.

When has that ever worked with assholes? Name a single time.

You are good because you don’t know the difference between bacteria and viruses?

“Besides, I have two kids in public school and am being vaccinated all the time by the little dirt weasels.

There is literally not a job in the world that exists that doesn’t force people to do something.

Everytime I’ve had a flu shot I’ve died.

Given the diversity in the influenza virus, not a single person has ever argued that the flu vaccine is as effective as vaccines for tetanus, smallpox and polio.

There is one way to avoid being consistently called an asshole.

Maybe it is a euphemism for a opioid bender?

one of the central tenets of the organization is to refrain from masturbation (the “no wanks rule”) because it helps members “go out, talk to women, and then marry them, procreate, be strong American family men, help restore the natural order of things that had been knocked out of wack by feminism,” McInnes said.”

“they had the misfortune of attacking actual men


People of all races can’t get laid. We used to just call them losers. Now with the internet they band together and play dress up.

1) He asked a stupid question.