Ser. Bigboote-Wiggums

I was certainly not in any danger (theoretically).  As far as I could tell, the officer didn’t have his hand on his gun even and certainly wasn’t screaming at me to comply or anything.  It was about as polite an encounter there could be.  That being said, I was KEENLY aware that if I were to make any quick movements

Fuck yes. Bring me my Quake Eternal: Ascension of the Stroggs

I’m an Indian PoC and my last traffic stop about 3 years ago had me super careful and nervous with the officer. [note: my mind wandered on way home from work, so I was honestly doing ~50 in a 35 at was reasonable to stop me]. When the officer asked for my license and what not, I had to tell him it’s in my

At one point these shitheads simultaneously scream at him to “open the door and get out of the car” and “keep your hands outside the window.” Which is it, fuckface? You want me to reach into my vehicle, out of your line of sight, down here by my hip/center console/glove compartment, to unbuckle my seatbelt? So you

When I got her, I set out to learn about pit bull breeds (I already knew stuff about labs.) Part of that was reading The Lost Dogs, about the dogs rescued from the Micheal Vick dog fighting operation. It’s where I learned that these dogs are mostly lovers, no fighters (as are most dogs.) Originally, when they were

Thank you for your service.

They’re out in force in this thread.

You can cut those patches down if they make you sick, btw. Half a patch is still half a patch, there’s no magic in the surface area of the delivery system or whatever.

Fellow Pinoy here. Damn son, what a story. I dealt with similar things growing up in Queens, NYC. I can’t say if it was specifically race related, but muggings and bullying played a big part into the person I became today. Back then in Jr High when I’d hang out with my Asian friends (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, other

Filipino American here but this talk of Asian racism reminds me of a time when I was in Rutgers University (NJ) about 10 years back.

Oh my gosh!

And, make no mistake, most dogs will eat it. (I’m in a dog group on FB and one of the members’ dogs ate a sock last week. A whole entire sock.)

Yeah. Fuck cancer, and fuck smoking.

I’ve heard similar. So I’m hopeful, but if something happens I’ll be prepared to lie around doing nothing for a couple days.

All that Dr. Pepper will do the opposite to my glycemic index that this article is recommending, though. So maybe I should stick to diet. 

There’s another popular variant that involves a man refusing to evacuate from his house as a flood comes in. Sure, you can trust in God to save you, but why rule out the possibility that He’d work through the world to do it? That seems wildly antithetical to the way they preach about the followers of Christ having to

The side effects sound a lot like a bad hangover to me, so I’m going to eat my favorite hangover food -- greasy fast food, a couple-hundred ounces of Dr. Pepper, and Tylenol.

Same. Thought of this exactly.

You’re right that the writers and management of Kotaku get to choose what to write about and what not to write about. But their description of themselves is that they are:

This is what makes Trumpism work. This is the dark heart of our political moment. Even people who are tremendously vulnerable themselves, like Crystal Minton, support Trump because of his capacity to inflict pain on others they detest. The cruelty, as the Atlantic’s Adam Serwer says, is the point. [emphasis added] [htt