Ser. Bigboote-Wiggums

God, Black Mesa's so damn good. It's truly marvelous. 

Wizards and such, obviously.

Welcome Ashley. Been a part of Inverse for years, and was always partial to your work.

Double doh.

And then dismiss like a coward. What else is new.


Idk what the hell they are on, but I get tired of people immediately attacking anyone who asks a question they don't want to have to answer. 

Umm, what? You are looking for something to be upset about. There was no reason to include the BDSM part in your original comment, unless you were implying that being into BDSM was a correlation/causation.

Aye, I am aware. I’m simply saying that Anime is kind of in the DNA of the site. 

Oh wow, yeah, lets look at those numbers shall we.


Not the hardest for you, apparently. Your experiences are not universal. I had an easy as hell time with the Shinobi dude as the last boss in Sekiro, but young Owl whipped my ass repeatedly.

The name of the site is KOTAKU after all, as in Otaku. As in nerd shit, including anime. It's quite literally in the name itself. 

Americans are insular and arrogant, and make sweeping and inaccurate assumptions about the world that are not the same as those made by people in other countries.”


It's the only way they can argue anything with substance. Most people don't bother to research or read about the "statistics" they pull up, and it's often a winning strategy. 

Simply by the virtue of being the party of progression, that makes your statement false. Yes, right, the party that wants equality for more people are the ones full of hatred. /s

None of these things are exclusive to America. I can’t even begin to tell you how many Irish, British, German, French, Polish, Russian and so and and so forth people who have these exact same thoughts.

Again, when there is division in congress, it doesn’t matter whether a President wants something or not. When people are “dissatisfied” with what’s happening, that’s not something the President can wholly control, and most people are ignorant of how these things work.

Hmm, idk.