
I take it I'm not the only one who sees this name as "Holophonor" every time, right?

At first, token Brits, unsurprising that they are uncool nerds, talking at 100 miles per hour, their accents initially seemed really out of place (especially Fitz, I'm Scottish myself and it was weirdly "nails-on-a-chalkboard" to me). But gradually, as the series has progressed, they have toned that shit waaay down

Shadow King has been my hunch.

I hate hate hate HATED FitzSimmons when I started watching from season one but they have become the best part of the show by a mile.
If the show gets canned then Netflix should snap it up then they can integrate DD/JJ/LC/IF etc.

New Marmite flavour - Turds.

In this instance, while you've still got those guns….why not Hell?

With respect, that may be the case, but Britain isn't the reason you STILL have them. You kicked us out a long time ago, you should do the same with the guns.

Jewlaree? Jewellery. It's a perfectly cromulant word.

Unlike Christians, who are never assholes about it. Right?

His "old man socks" are actually part of the Napoli strip (or "uniform" as you Yanks are wont to call them).


Thank you for telling me! HTML etc. is not my strong suit.

I thought "Quidow"

"…they'd have to stop and explain it to the majority of the audience."


I miss Black Jesus.

Not when Radcliffe would have been a kid, no. I don't even know if we have them now! Our education system is fairly straight-forward, with pupils doing English, Maths, at least one from Modern Studies/Geography/History, at least one language and at least one science, with art or tech drawing/other practical subject

Not that hard to believe. Clearly they went to a Catholic school (St. Mungo's)(my experience is they tend to be larger schools as there are less of them compared to *cough* "non-denominational" schools) so were probably from the same area of the city. It's not unfeasible that they lived in the same area as adults as


Will & Grace?