
Other thing is spaceships with huge interior space and stylish furniture. Has someone have seen the interior of a plane carrier? Is freaking cramped. And who keeps the Enterprise bridge sparkling clean? Do they have a Molly Maid employee? Do Cpt. Picard puts Data in Roomba mode?

Can someone explain me how a distant alien race like the Daleks have an English accent?

Sometimes even the same clothing like a universal uniform .

You are not alone, other souls in this earth have drown in to the dark corners of hell in a pool of misery by playing this good looking boring and repetitive POS game. Don't lacerate your spirit with the whip of guilt, it was really a bad FF game. You may find comfort in the realms of Game Stop were you can get a


Yeah, but don't kink the cable or the 1's will get stuck and it may explode.

I'm in! I loved playing Patapon. Not so sure about first-person view, it make me dizzy and nauseous.

You see? NOW you can post crap here too!!! Have a good one pal. : )

Point taken and totally agree, but it was more than a DECADE ago, and we were too young and naive. Still, no one got hurt. The chick called later that night and she was alright. Thanx for the reply.

Mine: In the golden 90's, were everyone had a pager in PR, we used them to meet people in this so-called "pager clubs". Someone just start to send "promo" pagers to everyone with their phone numbers with the purpose to meet new and "exiting" people and for a club (Like Facebook but with out a profile pic). Long story

Not even a DOLLAR? (wink wink)

Hold on, I'll bee right back with a joke as soon as I make one.

Addictive???!!! Skyrim is addictive and so Black Flag. I'm guessing I'm not that easy to impres...

Rafael Correa is a woman!? Also, was Fidel just running laps at the track?

Hell Yeah! (posted from Puerto Rico)

Now I will notice it FOREVER thanks to you.

They need one. Last time I bough a ant farm and have to get rid if it because they didn't grew shit! R.M.H

Yes and no.

Leslie, te deseo mucho éxito, el español es un leguaje difícil. Me enorgullece que personas como tu tomen de su tiempo para aprenderlo y hablarlo. Saludos!!!

I was going to say Mel Gibson. Anyways, they are the same person.