
The headline uses the term 'woman' in both articles, and Rebecca uses the word woman throughout her post. The only uses of the word 'girl' in both articles seems to be in respect to what the landlord said. If anything, this reveals how the landlord viewed the victim, not how others viewed her.

She was 25 yrs old. She wasn't a 'girl'. Right? Language matters. Lets treat her with respect. She was a gainfully employed woman, not a child.

I think it'd be easy to criticize the school but, in fairness, I think we all remember that bit in the bible when Jesus, dying on the cross, says "One last thing before I go, remember to be complete and total dicks to innocent little kids whenever you have the chance. Peace out, losers."

We could fill many books with the shit you don't understand, dippity.

(for those playing at home: Kineada's icon is a troll doll.)

It means his racism slip is showing.

Oh, Jesus. I knew I shouldn't have replied.

". . .without the knowledge or consent of his original partner(s)."

No, it's just a REALLY good will suck in space and time as well as your waistline.

I don't know; I was kind of getting into that one with the ripped dude eating the hamburger on the beach. That's like all my favorite things in one 30-second TV spot. Add some beer to the equation and I would probably buy anything they wanted me to.

The sunscreen guy can hang out with me anytime.

Wow. It's tempting to go into all of my own personal anecdotes and feelings, but just, wow. I love this.

I kind of get the impression you saw someone using this .gif appropriately somewhere, it was a big hit and you waited for literally any opportunity to use it yourself.

I think we can all agree here that the biggest news to come out of this is that people are still using MySpace.

I believe it translates into 'Family has money, lives in LA'. Also, I may be wrong, but I believe she's dating the snapchat CEO?

One girl had "Dog Lover" so who the fuck knows.

So is "free spirit" code for "unemployed bum"? Cause I feel like it could also mean "drug dealer" or "sex worker", so I am confused.

The crew at WGN is hilarious. I don't watch much tv news anymore, but when I do, this is my go-to station. Hey FOX News: this is how you do newscaster personality.

It's not about women giving up, it's about examining the root causes behind men not wanting to use condoms, and examine whether a female condom will really solve anything. If it doesn't, then why would we invest or spend our money/resources foolishly?

Don't guys generally refuse to wear condom because they "dont like how they feel"...meaning, they want skin on skin contact? What makes you think if a woman has a female condom on, that they aren't going to get similar pressure from a man to have unprotected sex? I guess if a condom was uncomfortable or painful for a