
Who gives a fuck, this is STILL alive!? It was on review, one mans opinion, whats the big effing deal. The game sucked, period, it got lower scores too, and because all those K&L ads were on the site, as well as the connections with edios/GS, a bad review for the game wasn't taken lightly.

@Rotmm: You are comparing high end models to the low end models, in terms of prices. 80GB PS3 was 500 when there was a 40GB at 400 bucks, now it is at 400 since there will be a 160GB at 500. You dig? I know its confusing with these different models and crap, but honestly the price cuts are not as significant as you

Why am I not surprised Ashcraft wrote this post?...

Stupid of Tecmo IMO, but oh well who cares.

Someone get that man a foot surgeon!

Read this hours ago.. oh and there is a video of it too, you could embed.

I can sense bullshit in their tone...

Why wouldn't they be pleased? Here are some GIFs I found on NeoGAF, lol:

No one is in the beta that doesn't/didn't know they were going to be. So telling everyone to check their emails isn;t going to help. The people who have gotten the beta early are handpicked, either family/friends, moderators on the Resistance forums, top community members, etc. And these people were breached about

Looks like it'll be Sony's show eh? Sweet.

Meh, who gives two shats anyways really. I mean, they just got the r and v mixed up, whoopde doo.

Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction - Around 15 hours of gameplay; $60

@FreakyFavabean: I actually agree, once you get into it and good at it, it is really an amazing experience. One of the best online games ever to me.

@Insomnia Bob: Never, I don't think.. They have tons of combinations though, you just have to be good enough at the game to unlock them. :P

@StupidityTries: Well it's not practical to give us FREE new maps, FREE new vehicles, FREE new game modes, FREE new weapons, and FREE everything else. It's just not possible. You know how much work goes into the stuff you are buying? A vehicle, and a huge map, for 7 bucks? Come on, that is great. Just don't go out and

Looks awesome!!

Oh yeah, he should totally create levels too. Don't you think that would be a totally new aspect of gaming for a kid? If I was a kid and played a game I really liked, then realized I can make it my own from the ground up, I would shit myself.

HAHAHA! You need to catch him on video playing LBP when it's out!!!