My favorite part was when Joe Buck broke into the international announcing booth, clubbed Matt Vasgerian to death, and then started broadcasting from there.
My favorite part was when Joe Buck broke into the international announcing booth, clubbed Matt Vasgerian to death, and then started broadcasting from there.
“I recently joined The Grinder, Harold, and I’m not sure whether I missed something, but it’s been nothing but non-stop hunks telling me what a pretty, pretty boy I am.”
It’s about fucking time. Sixty-eight years after Jackie Robinson’s debut and FOX finally decides to go dark.
They will tell you that they do background checks and thorough psyche evals and they do. The sort of person who is willing to do what is shown in the video is exactly what they select for.
You have to remember that this is a team being run by an plumber and an idiot. Also DUH, why would you trust Kaep.
He really wanged that ball. I mean he just cocked back and drilled it. That thing was hammered. Even a one-eyed monster could tell that junk was headed all the way to Johnsonville. The Mets are really giving the Cubs the shaft.
People are the worst, but here is a cat hugging a toy.
This is good bear footage.
Just had to stop reading to say I laughed so unexpectedly hard and so suddenly at this that I choked on the chip I was eating and had to spit it out on my desk. I ain’t even made at this lady, this is too hilarious.
“ If you don’t succeed in business, you shouldn’t be the first one to step up and complain about getting paid.”
Whaaaat? I thought Aaron LOVED women.
The Amy - Jake stuff is some of the worst stuff on the show, mostly because Samberg is the worst thing about the show. More Gina, Diaz, Terry, Holt and Boyle. And Amy as long as Jake isn’t around.
I really enjoy this show but was solidly rooting against the Jake/Amy pairing. It’s just so lame! Why are they doing this to us!? Also, to be frank, there is no way a relationship between two people with their personalities would work out. Both of them could do A LOT better.
I really don’t need this show to be a stereotypical rom-com at all.
The ingenious waitress’ name has been lost to history, but the Legend of The Waitress With The World’s Driest Sense Of Humor is still whispered to this very day.
The Reuben one reminded me of a story Terry Pratchett told. He said that one jet-lagged evening he accidently asked for Three Mile Island dressing for his salad. The waitress didn’t say a word, just brought him Thousand Island dressing and a bottle of hot sauce.
Yeah, the thing is, Texas was definitely, no question, better that year, but Cal was from the Pac 10.
Something something hulk hogan, something something complicit in blackmail, somthing something get off your high fucking horse.
Is it Jordan Sargent????