
Which was the one country that voted against the change?

I’m not saying that the organization is functional, but George Karl is hardly the guy to play the victim on this one. It’s impossible to read this stuff as anything other than ex-post-facto spin.

Oh for Christ’s sake what I needed in my life was definitely a bunch of idiots talking about how Barry Bonds definitely personally forced Dee Gordon to take steroids.

With respect, I’m not sure I entirely agree with the slant of the article.

Rondo is the worst.

What I’m getting here is that Taylor - not necessarily gave permission, but talked with Kayne about the idea that he “made her famous”, but that Kanye never mentioned the specific thing of the line where he was going to call her a bitch or say he might still have sex with her? Which are probably the more significant

That’s a great, insightful way of putting it. And this is, honest to God, one of the main reasons that I’ve consciously tried to stop paying attention to the NFL over the last few years. It’s so all-consuming and unpleasant.

Really, as a rule, we should probably assume there’s a substantial amount of corruption in any sport that has (a) lots of money being wagered on it and (b) people aren’t making tons of money playing it.

Honestly if a player displayed that kind of lack of agility we would be criticizing them and asking for them to be a cut. What a double standard.

Sorry, I should probably have been clearer and less sarcastic, but that’s kind of the point that I was trying to make.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with publicly-financed stadiums, and it should be allowed - and even encouraged - for all pro sports teams that are owned by municipalities or are otherwise public entities.

Interestingly, Bonds and Clemens both actually went down in absolute vote totals compared to last year (206 to 199 for Clemens, 202 to 195 for Bonds). They increased their percentages just because the voting pool was much smaller.

oh my god Terry McEllhennon’s on Deadspin good lord



There is, of course, no emotion involved when you’re holding a city up for hundreds of millions of dollars by threatening to move their beloved sports team.

I genuinely wonder whether Kobe ever actually feels desperation or anything close to it.

The problem isn’t just that it’s a feature of the system. The problem is that it’s a feature of the system, and - although they won’t come out and say it - a lot of people want it that way. Are committed to keeping it that way. Will show up and vote for violently insane political candidates to keep it that way. This

Google “humor”

Can someone please confirm whether or not we did, in fact, land on the moon? That sign makes a very compelling case. Thanks in advance.