
I mean, if we get the repairs for free and our prior repair costs refunded, then what exactly are we losing by leaving the class action suit? That's the most we could have gotten out of that anyway. What more did we want, punitive damages for emotional suffering?

I think getting free joy-con repairs is probably going to be of greater benefit to most consumers than waiting out for any class-action suit payout.

And furthermore, the bug only affects opening MKV files. If you don’t download MKV video files from the Internet (torrents), then you are extremely unlikely to encounter a malicious file.

From that link you posted:

Any “here is a new security hole” article should be required to list what the attack vector is. Is it a malformed video file that triggers the memory overflow? Some internal web server that VLC runs in the background that you need access to the user’s LAN to be able to attack? (Hint: it’s a malformed video file)

I don’t really have a main anymore. I have all 3 leveled up, and I rotate between them. I love all my children!

Except some of the people who have reported this problem also report being aware of it before they bought their Switches and taking exquisite care with them.

I baby all my stuff because I’m incredibly shallow, materialistic and I love my stuff. My left joycon started drifting a few months after purchase. It’s not an issue of abuse/wear & tear.

“Weeks of Nothing”

If you’re making a portfolio piece, or trying to get your name out there like this artist, you’re going to make your design as attractive as possible. Man the overreaction on this is hilarious.

I mean, it doesn’t even look like she has an ass. It’s all just the suit.

Don’t be fooled, this is wank material through and through. It’s not meant to be practical or artistic or make anatomical sense.

Honestly, and I say this as a big fan of Nintendo, the Joy-Cons are one of the biggest ripoffs in the console gaming world today.

I’d say more like..................2007

I hate 3D “anime” with the fury of a thousand suns...but...this... this... looks... promising. 

had a skin swap” There ya go, don’t have a skin swap before you go swimming.

Search and Rescue helicopter pilot guy here. In case any of you are wondering if this will happen to you after falling off a cliff face or something and needing an airlift, it won’t if they do their jobs right. In the organization I fly with you have to use a line attached to the litter that’s held by a member of the

“Sir, we’re losing altitude!” “Engage bottom rotor!”

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.